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Electricty Case

(Querist) 27 October 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Learned friend,

I have a consumer case filed by my father which is pending in the consumer court for the rectification of the wrong billing amount which is Rs 20000/- but after accumulating interest by the Electricity department made it to 80000/-

My father died now I am contesting that suit as his legal representative,
but the problem is that The line man and Junior Engg comes in 3-4 months that you are using the direct wires from the pole and running home apparatus.We would file a FIR complaint against you.

They several times removed my house electric wires from pole. but I again got affixed with the another line man.this process is continuing going on. For the permanent solution what is the way to use electricity at house without any mechanical disruption.

1. Will I get a new meter on my name at the same address of my father.How do I get electricity licensee for using at home by hook or by crook. Is there any legal solution for this problem.

2. Will the consumer court give permission for using new meter

3. Any solution and way and tricky method to overcome this problem.

A V Vishal (Expert) 27 October 2009
File a writ in the High court seeking directions from it against the Electricity board to settle the matter.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 27 October 2009
Follow the advice of Vishal.
You can also file an injunction suit as not to disconnect the elektricity connection.
you produce all the documents produced in the consumer forum. yOu can also file an application seeking temporary injunction order aginst the elektricity board, even after servicint the notice of the IA as well as suit summons if the officers continued their illegal activities, take the fotos while doing their illegal activities then file an application before the court for violation of the court order.
Before filing the suit issue legal notice to the elecktricity board.
PJANARDHANA REDDY (Expert) 27 October 2009

A.P.Manoranjan (Expert) 27 October 2009
I agree with Vishalji's advise.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 27 October 2009
I go with Rajeev. Permanent solution is to seek and injunction order from civil court against Board.
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 27 October 2009
Better to file a writ in the High court.
Kumar Krishan Agarwal Advocate (Querist) 27 October 2009
My learned friends give valuable advise & good direction for resolving this matter.
I am satisfied and thank you all my learned friends.

If any new learned friend want any different approach then I 'll welcome for his answer to get:

yogesh (Expert) 28 October 2009
consumer court may adjudicate the redressal grievances which have the same power as vested by the civil court and as per facts narrated
if you are using private man for affixing the line then trouble may be there from your side as you are violating the govt servant in discharging the duty which may not be encouraged If you want any intervention then remedy is to approach the higher authorities and if they don't listen then only move to the court under relevant provisions
As other said may file an interim relief application for stay or aviod disruption but don't takke law in your hands

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