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Eligibility for govt job as i am a convicted in drunken driving case

(Querist) 25 February 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Respected Sir's,
I am VaraPrasad aged 30 years from Andhra Pradesh state. Recently I have got selected
in AP state govt exam interview.
I had Convicted in a drunken driving case (resulting damage to a car parked) in a fast track cout(I dont know to which category that Court is known for.I guess it is a fast track court) in the year 2001(April) Visakhapatnam and have paid fine of Rs 350 in the court.

I have 2 doubts.Please clarify.

1) Is it possible to know the complete details of that PoliceCase now(after 11 years) as I had no knowledge of that case since I had taken my uncle's support then in order to know whether I would be eligible for Government Jobs or not.

2) (After browsing many websites I found) AP State Service Rules says " No person who has been convicted by a court of law for an offence involving moral turpitude shall be eligible for appointment to any State or Subordinate Service".
Sir ,how can I know whether my crime would fall under moral turpitude or not.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 25 February 2012
Driving a car in drunken state is an offence of negligence and shall not constitute moral turpitude but suppression of this conviction shall be proving costly if revealed in police inquiry.

There might be a list prepared by state of AP for this purpose where offenses listed therein would constitute
moral turpitude.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 25 February 2012
better you should have clarified in the original thread
A V Vishal (Expert) 25 February 2012
Moral turpitude refers generally to conduct that shocks the public conscience. Offenses such as murder, voluntary manslaughter, kidnaping, robbery, and aggravated assaults involve moral turpitude. However, assaults not involving dangerous weapons or evil intent have been held not to involve moral turpitude.

Conviction of crimes of moral turpitude may also disqualify someone from an employment opportunity. The precise definition of a crime that involves moral turpitude isn't always clear, but the following crimes are always considered crimes of moral turpitude:
â–  murder;
â–  voluntary manslaughter;
â–  rape;
â–  statutory rape;
â–  domestic violence;
â–  prostitution;
â–  fraud and crimes where fraud is an element
â–  all theft offenses ;
â–  blackmail;
â–  malicious destruction of property;
â–  arson;
â–  alien smuggling;
â–  harboring a fugitive;
â–  bribery;
â–  perjury
Shonee Kapoor (Expert) 25 February 2012
sufficiently guided.


Shonee Kapoor
student----- (Querist) 25 February 2012
Thanks for valuable guidance Sir's.

1) Is it possible to know the complete details of that PoliceCase now(after 11 years) as I had no knowledge of that case after 11 years. If possible whom to approach Sir's (for mentioning the complete Details to the Government Department to which I get appointment )
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 25 February 2012
You can very well take the certified copies of the order/judgment of the case decided 111 years ago by applying from the record room of Vishakhapatnam court.
student----- (Querist) 27 February 2012
Thank you very much sir.

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