Employment of a person of 60 years or more in an organisatio
(Querist) 01 September 2016
This query is : Resolved
Dear Experts,
Need your expert advise on the following:
1. Can a person be employed in an organisation as an employee on fixed period of 2-3 years or more on Salary basis where the normal retirement age is 60 years?
2. Is it mandatory to have a time gap in re-employment of a person who retires on a particular date?
3. Whether HRA, CONVEYANCE ALLOWANCE, MEDICAL ALLOWANCE , medical benefits, Leave ( casual, medical/ sick, Earned Leave, benefit of Provident Fund etc. can be given to a person who is so employed or re-employed?
4. Whether contribution to National Pension Scheme can be made by the employer to such employee who is/ was already a member of NPS of that organisation and the organisation has opted for extension of 10 years in his membership of NPS?
4.1 Is there any legal bar under any Indian Laws to give or not to give any of the above or all the above benefits to a person of more than 60 years?
5. Whether the amount paid to such employee be taxed as Salary Income or professional or other contractual income and TDS deducted accordingly?
6. Is it illegal to employ a person of 60 years or more on Salary basis?
6.1 Whether it is must to employ
that person on contract basis and pay him fee only?
7. If such person is engaged other than on Salary basis, whether the amount paid to him will attract Service Tax on the amount paid.?
8. Advise generally on the precautions to be taken in employment / re-employment of a person of 60 years or more in the same organisation from where he retired in attaining the age of superannuation (60 years).
My email id is :
saggarsk@ gmail.com
My mobile number:
Since, the matter is urgent, your early advise is requested.
Thanks and regards fir your advise.
Sunil Saggar
P. Venu
(Expert) 01 September 2016
Please state the real problem, if any.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 02 September 2016
Repeated query:
Advised point wise in another thread.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 03 September 2016
Examination hall question paper in another thread?????

(Expert) 03 September 2016
Repeated academic query.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 05 September 2016
No reply against the repeated query.