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Encrochment to school property

(Querist) 08 December 2017 This query is : Resolved 
I am a Headmaster of a school. That the school premises measures about 1.08 acre as per 1955 settlement and there is a boundary for that.
But after the settlement carried out in 2014, a person of the same village claimed that 13 decimal of school premises has been registered in his name. He carried out demarcation as per new settlement and the 13 decimal he was claiming was within the school premises. But as per new record the school premises was also 1.08 acre(unchanged with respect to previous settlement).

There might be some error in the map as per the new settlement. But the said person has broken down, some part of the school boundary and constructed a small house within the school premises (around 2 decimal). This is creating an uneasy situation for the teachers as well as students. I had informed the subcollector, block education officer and tahasildar as well. But no action was taken against the said person nor any action taken to correct the land record.

my question is
1. Was the construction of house by the said person as per law.
2. if no, then what action can be taken against him.
3. What action can be taken to remove the person out of school premises.

Vijay Raj Mahajan (Expert) 08 December 2017
District authorities are responsible for error in map and official records of the land.
You file petition in deputy commissioner court to decide the dispute with regard to land records and mistake incorporated therein.
Tehsildar, SDM, sub collector etc.are all coming under the DC of the district and this officer is ultimate authority to clarify and decide the dispute.
If the person is found to be guilty for bringing improprieties in the land map by his influence, he can be prosecuted and even sent to jail for forgery of official records with other officials of the district authority.
kavksatyanarayana Online (Expert) 08 December 2017
I agree with the advise of Mr.Vijay raj Mahajan ji.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 12 December 2017
Very well analysed and advised by expert Mr. Vijay Raj Mahajan, I agree and appreciate his acumen.

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