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Ep post arbital award

(Querist) 11 December 2017 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Experts, Is it always the petitioner who lists the properties of the Debtor in the EP ? Is there any recent Citation/Judgement by which the Debtor can be asked to file the list of his assets/properties ?
P. Venu (Expert) 12 December 2017
You have not posted the relevant facts.
Tom (Querist) 12 December 2017
What facts Sir ! It is a general query based on cases in the forum . Pls reply for benefit of users .
M V Gupta (Expert) 13 December 2017
Yes. It is the petitioner who should furnish the details of the property in the execution application. vide CPC Or 21. Rule 11 (2). There is no provision in order 21 to apply to the court to direct the judgement debtor to furnish details of his properties.As such no precedent/judgement on the issue.

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