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Eviction suit for vacating the tenant

(Querist) 06 April 2013 This query is : Resolved 
I have rented the propety to a person in the year 2008 on a 11 months rental agreement. The last agreement was for the period 01-jan-12 to 30-nov-12. I issued him a notice to vacate the premises in july'12. He obtained an exparte injuction from magistrate court,trichy,tamilnadu. I filed a petion against it. It is pending for argument for more than 5 months. Also, I filed an eviction suit in Munsif Court as it is in the panchayat. In the eviction suit exparte evidence has been put for the next hearing. Also my lawyer said "Proof Afidavit" has to be filed.

I have already filed all the original documents with the annexures in the eviction suit.
What is Exparte Evidence and Proof Afidavit?
Nadeem Qureshi (Expert) 06 April 2013
Dear ramesh
Exparty evidence means your opposite party is not appear before the court and the matter is fix for an exparty evidence.
proof affidavit means an affiadvit filed by you in support of all the documents filed by you in the suit.

Feel free to call
Adv k . mahesh (Expert) 06 April 2013
do as expert said
prabhakar singh (Expert) 06 April 2013
As your tenant did not appear in the court after service of summons court passed order
that now no hearing would be afforded to him
and allowed you to give your evidence to prove your case by an affidavit.That is all the meaning you are asking for.
ajay sethi (Expert) 06 April 2013
agree with prabhakar singhji
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 06 April 2013
Nothing to add more as you have already been provided with enough information.

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