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Evidentiary value of video conferencing

(Querist) 23 August 2009 This query is : Resolved 
How far can video conferencing be regarded as evidence before courts?
AEJAZ AHMED (Expert) 24 August 2009
Dear Arun,

Kindly go through the following site, which I find a good Article with regard and in reply to your query, by Topic:

"Videoconferencing: Mixed blessing for the Indian criminal justice system"

"This is not virtual reality, it is actual reality. Video conferencing is an advancement of science and technology which permits one to see, hear and talk with someone far away with the same facility as if he is present before you, that is, in your presence," the apex court said.

"Recording of evidence by video conferencing also satisfies the object of providing, in Section 273, that evidence be recorded in the presence of the accused," it said.
Arun Krishnan (Querist) 24 August 2009
Thank you, Mr.AEJAZ AHMED for the information
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 10 October 2009
Useful information

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