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Experience letter

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 04 November 2017 This query is : Resolved 
I m resign the job in 20 September 2017.till date not give experience letter. The hr told to me after 3 month to provide the experience letter me how can take action to company
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 05 November 2017
thre is no legal way to compel the company to give experience letter.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 05 November 2017
No reply for an anonymous author as per rules of this platform.
Seek professional advise of a local lawyer if you intend to conceal your identity.
Guest (Expert) 05 November 2017
No Rules Prohibits to Reply Anonymous
Guest (Expert) 05 November 2017
Well Advised by Mr Sudhir Kumar
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 05 November 2017
No advice to an author who is anonymous.

You can post the query in fresh thread with your identity and material facts.
Guest (Expert) 05 November 2017
No Self made Rules by Self made Bosses Here Could object postings by /as Anonymous
Guest (Expert) 05 November 2017
If some who wishes not to reply or do not have a Reply should Ignore the Query than insulting the Query.
Guest (Expert) 05 November 2017
Now some Illiterate would ask for meaning of Insult.
Guest (Expert) 05 November 2017
The illiterates should refer dictionary for the meaning of Insult and should not ask for meanings here Please
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 05 November 2017
It would be better if the expert would have posted / contributed for the thread rather to go on posting just to satisfy his ego / irritation / frustration.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 05 November 2017
Dictionary is only for literate it is useless for illiterates.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 05 November 2017

Seems some experts are very serious to increase no. of posts through multiple vague / unwarranted / irrelevant / baseless / non related / multiple posts.

A good method to increase replies without having / using legal knowledge.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 05 November 2017
AQ………….so NO reply…………..
Kumar Doab (Expert) 05 November 2017
Pls post with your ID and you can get many replies……………
Kumar Doab (Expert) 05 November 2017
Querist ,
Your ID can be anything say; cast, religion, sect, initials, tribe, mohalla, city, country etc etc.
Remain gentle and amiable while you post a query seeking help and you have a right to get everything that is for your future employability and provided for in enactments in Republic of India.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 05 November 2017
Similar query has been discussed in many threads that you can ‘SEARCH’ in ‘SEARCH’ option on middle of right hand side of this web page in Experts section and in ‘SEARCH’ option on bottom of right hand side of the web page in Form section…………….

You can also ‘SEARCH in other sections e.g; Articles, Judgments, Files………… And download even citations, judgments, procedures etc etc ………

Avoid posting photos/names/email id/phone numbers/addresses etc etc or attaching any document containing photos/names/email id/phone numbers/addresses etc etc and erase photos/names/email id/phone numbers/addresses etc etc while sending any documents to anyone, anywhere except your own very able senior LOCAL counsel of unshakable repute and integrity specializing in such/civil matters and having successful track record in handling such matters thru courts of law and with concerned authorities …
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 06 November 2017
Instead of submitting personal comments upon the experts and/or reply submitted by an expert Mr. NJS Kumar should change his perception and contribute "some" legal expert advise to the queriest, if he has any thing in his store for the benefit of author and other experts on this platform.

If Mr NJS Kumar do not like my suggestion (which is not an advise to him) he may kindly ignore but "NO COMMENTS" are expected and be submitted.
Guest (Expert) 06 November 2017
@Dr.J.C. Vasjhista,

Some people have made LCI a place of their fun, amusement and a source of pastime. Instead of any advice, they just make multiples of space-filling worthless and irrelevant posts with another motive of playing a number game. Instead of demonstrating their expertise on the subject matter, they probably feel pride in making vague posts.

Due to the same reason, most of the learned experts must have been avoiding posting their advice to the needy persons.

They are not content with making a single post in reply, but try to make as many as number of useless posts.

Further, when someone points out for their despicable activities, they not only find opportunity to make another set of multiple posts, but also start abusing the person, who pointed out towards their bad habit. They start misbehaving with the real knowledgeable experts, just to dominate over the LCI.

it is not understood, as if the LCI Admin has created this site for dissemination and sharing of knowledge fof experts or the benefit of the needy persons facing with problems or is interested merely in populating their site with junk material.
Guest (Expert) 06 November 2017
Issue of experience letter is not a compulsion, but a courtesy of the employer. In that respect, no legal recourse can help you. You have to make your own efforts to convince the employer to issue you an experience letter.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 06 November 2017
JIGYASU - Legal analyst

Posted a good lecture, if you analyse your posts, most of your posts are commenting on experts.

Try to add value to the forum.
Guest (Expert) 08 November 2017
@ Rajendra K Goyal,

Don't say commenting on experts, but say commenting on two "fake experts".
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 09 November 2017
what pleasure some experts derive by such arguments?
Guest (Expert) 09 November 2017
@Sudhir Kumar,

You may be knowing better. Although you are a knowledgeable expert, but you also been noticed to be a pleasure seeker out of such arguments of others. Arguments by some knowledgeable experts seems to be OK, but it becomes a matter of concern to expose some fake experts, when they pretend to be knowledgeable persons, like Mr. Rajendra Kumar telling the experts, "no advice from me to an author who is anonymous", like in this thread also as if he is the master of the subject matter (here service laws), but when he not knowing even ABC of the such subject matter.

You may like to ask him if he would be able to get the anonymous author an experience letter from his employer, if the author of the problem gives him his full introduction?

Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 09 November 2017
JIGYASU - Legal analyst

It seems you are availing all chances by hook or crook to comment against me and expert Kumar Doab.

Your hate may not succeed to calm,

Mutual respect would definitely bring results of equal respect.
Guest (Expert) 09 November 2017
@ Mr. Rajendra K Goyal,

You may continue to shout as loudly as you can, Mr. Rajendra K Gpyal, if unable to calm yourself. No harm to anyone else, except yourself. The more you clamour, the more you get yourself exposed to the readers about the elements of your incapability and incapacity, as a fake expert.

Your talk about mutual respect is quite funny, when none of you prefer to respect either a querist or an expert just for the sake of playing only a number game.

Just think, who was and is even now responsible for disrespect, your close associate, both Mr. Kumar Doab and you only; sometimes even on behalf of your associate to give him blind support of yours.

But, rest assured, any more stunt by you and your associate can make both of you exposed more and more as fake experts and littering garbage on this site in the name of legal advice to the querists.

Now I directly ask you the same question, as I requested Mr. Sudhir Kumar To ask you. If the anonymous author gives you his introduction, would you be able to get him his desired experience letter through any type legal action, as you stated, no advice from you to the anonymous author, as if you are the master in getting her problem solved? DO REPLY MY QUESTION, ANY ONE OF YOU OR YOUR ASSOCIATE MAY TAKE THE CHALLENGE, IF YOU CAN.

IF NOT ABLE TO TAKE THE CHALLENGE, WHAT WAS THE FUN IN MAKING A WASTEFUL POST BY BOTH OF YOU, STATING, no advice from you to the author who is anonymous OR AQ ... so no reply?

What made your associate, Kumar Doab's' position more funny, that fellow made three subsequent posts even after stating "so no reply" CAN YOU OR YOUR ASSOCIATE, KUMAR DOAB, CLARIFY:

If Mr. Kumar Doab did not want to reply the so called AQ (anonymous query), with what specific aim he posted 3 replies through subsequent posts? Further, if he wanted to reply and made three posts containing his replies, with what specific aim he declared, "AQ ..... no reply"? That itself revealed his intention to play merely a number game to make vague replies on his part.

If unable to take the challenge, that would confirm that both of you have been playing merely a number game to add scores unduly at your credit.


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