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Govt notification/ order on csd

Guest (Querist) 12 October 2011 This query is : Resolved 
My question is where do I get the original govt notification the union of India mandating Canteen Stores Department to provide canteen facility to the troops.
And what was the order when Armed forces took over the CSD Retail outlets from the Private Contractors , who gave that order/ issued such notification. How do I get that notification?
Who should be the auth to include or exclude any central govt( CDA Staff/Est, CSD Staff/Est, Home Ministry officals ( Para-Military personnel / Est, Sainik Schools, Even Army Schools are availing the facilities)? Is it the cabinet decision , the parliament mandate or both?)
Pl advice .
Guest (Expert) 13 October 2011
Please send your application under RTI to the Army HQ at New Delhi where policy decisions are taken.
Sailesh Kumar Shah (Expert) 13 October 2011
Righlty guided by Shri PS Dhingra.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 13 October 2011
Army authorities are excluded under RTI Act so there is no scope for moving such application.


The origin of CSD is essentially set in the British era when Army Canteen Board in India was established as an offshoot of the Navy and the Army Canteen Board in the UK. While the latter was abolished in 1922 in the UK, and was replaced by NAAFI (Navy, Army and Air Force Institute), its counterpart in India continued till 1927. The Army Canteen Board in India was established mainly to provide canteen facilities to British troops in India through grocery shops and bars run by canteen contractors.

The achievements of NAAFI in the UK did not inspire any corresponding change in India. However, the Army Canteen Board, liquidated in 1927, was replaced by the Canteen Contractors' Syndicate(CSS). It floated in the form of a limited company, under government control with its registration office at Karachi. This company started off with a paid-up capital of Rs 6 lakhs only. The shareholding was confined to the canteen contractors. The CSS functioned with reasonable efficiency until the commencement of World War II.

An agreement drawn up with the organization, the government had kept a provision for taking over the organization in an emergency or a war situation. After World War II broke out, this provision was not made use of in the initial stages. However, after the heavy build up of the British troops in India, the CSS could no longer cope-up with the situation. Therefore, on 1 July 1942, the Government of India made use of the specific provision in Services(India) under the Directorate of Wholesale Trade and Indian Canteen Corps to handle the retail trade in operational areas. Canteen suppliers poured in from abroad and the organization functioned extremely well during the War. By 31 March 1946, it was not only able to pay back to the government the assignments of funds made available to it but could also function on its own trading capital. However, with the end of the War and homeward movement of the British troops, the import facilities dwindled and the turnover of the organization shrank. With the pulling out of troops from the operational areas, the Indian Canteen Corps was disbanded and the staff retrenched.

This was closely followed by the independence and partition of the country, and the war -time organization gave birth to two Canteen Stores Departments, i.e., CSD (India) and CSD(Pakistan). The retail trade, however, reverted to the contractors. A board of Liquidation was formed to oversee the liquidation of assets of the war-time organization which ceased to function from 31 December 1947.

The Canteen Stores Department, the present organization, thus took birth on 1 January 1948 with a working capital of Rs 48 lakhs assigned to it from assets of its predecessor war-time organization.

The Government of India had granted the organization a life of three years on experimental basis. The experiment was a success by a long margin. The myth that Indian troops were not canteen-minded had been blown sky high. The situation was reviewed in 1950 and the Department was accepted as a government undertaking on a permanent basis. Canteen facilities for the Indian troops had come to stay.

For more details you may visit the following official site of CSD Canteen:
Sailesh Kumar Shah (Expert) 13 October 2011
Respected Makkad Sir,

you are right that Army authorities are excluded under RTI Act so there is no scope for moving such application. It is cover u/s 24 read with the second schedule.

However, CSD Canteen come under purview of the RTI Act.
you can check the same at website,as mentioned by you.

With Regards,

M.Sheik Mohammed Ali (Expert) 13 October 2011
yes, i do agree experts query reply
Sailesh Kumar Shah (Expert) 13 October 2011
Expert : M.Sheik Mohammed Ali

With Which Experts????
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 13 October 2011
yes by RTI you can get
prabhakar singh (Expert) 13 October 2011
Mr.Shah is right and M.Sheik Mohammed Ali never disagrees with any body.
Guest (Querist) 14 October 2011
But this time I disagree . Army is not exempted from RTI Act. I have posted relevant RTI Sec in this forum earlier.
Secondly I have exhausted with the Army auth as well as Min of Defence who are hands in Gloves in abusing the CSD facilities at the cost of govt exchequers and converting all profits to so called private funds , now claiming beyond the purview of the RTI Acts.
I am sure experts in this forum shall be able to help me getting a copy of the original notification converting the CSD into a solely owned Govt enterprises. And then the notification allowing armed forces to run the CSD retail outlets ( hitherto run by private contractors even post independence)supposedly by the NON-PUBLIC funds held by the three services of the forces.
Sailesh Kumar Shah (Expert) 14 October 2011
Can you reveal all facts?
Guest (Querist) 14 October 2011
Dear Sri Shailesh
Here are the links which tell my facts:,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=839389c7c4e7cd73&biw=1024&bih=677
And compare with CSD Pakistan which was formed at the same time and how they are doing it now.
I am sure it will help you understand why I am asking for the original order /notification on CSD as well as URC.

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