Bsnl weightage system
Karthikeyan Jayapal
(Querist) 25 November 2011
This query is : Resolved
Sir, BSNL Department has introduced Weightage Point System for Compassionate appointment, Could you places help me with cases against this system. Thanks

(Expert) 25 November 2011
Unless you provide details of the BSNL scheme, how it would be possible for any one to offer his comments, opinion or cases?
Also please clarify, what do you mean to convey by the term, "CASE," whether you desire case laws on the issue or the cases of applications having been dealt with by the management of the BSNL?
Karthikeyan Jayapal
(Querist) 25 November 2011
Sir, BSNL has come with a new policy that for a person to be eligible to apply for job on the bases of compassionate appointment,he has to clear 55 points as stipulated in the policy.
Sir the case here means any citation or judgements..

(Expert) 25 November 2011
I have already stated, unless you give details of the scheme, i.e., specific 55 points of the policy, it would be difficult to say anything. You could well have attached a MS Word copy or scanned copy of the policy for reference.
About case laws, since BSNL has taken birth only recently in October 2000, only rare No. of cases for claiming appointment on compssionate basis would have arisen. So, you may not expect any court case to have been arisen so far. In most cases only lowest grade officials are appointed under compassionate appointment scheme and nobody out of them attempts to sue the organisation, as the appointment under the scheme cannot be claimed as a matter of right.
Karthikeyan Jayapal
(Querist) 25 November 2011
Sir, the policy may be viewed at the below mentioned address..
It gives in the details, sir, in my case, the applicant has got 52 points and his application is rejected, which is really harsh and not based on the actual facts.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 25 November 2011
Nothing remains to be added in detailed information provided by Dhingra G.
Rajeev Kumar
(Expert) 27 November 2011
I too agree with Dhingra JI