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Consumer court case against dmrc

(Querist) 03 April 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Any one can help me for the below matter and get a compensation against the malpractice followed by the DMRC

You can call me on 9953110928

No.DMRC/PC&S/March 2013/S-2144

Dear Madam/Sir,

With reference to your complaint/suggestion regarding ticket vending staff, lodged at Hauz Khas Metro Station, we would like to inform that suitable action has been taken on your complaint as per terms and conditions of contract. Further, all efforts are made by DMRC to normalize the supply of coins at stations. Presently, DMRC is facing the problem of shortage in supply of coins by Reserve Bank of India. In addition, in case you are a regular commuter of DMRC, we would like to advise you to use smart card which not only saves time but also gives you a discount of 10% on each journey performed using smart card. Also it gives freedom from keeping change every time and freedom to change destination. Inconvenience caused in this regard is deeply regretted.

Your complaint/suggestion has been addressed. We trust it has been resolved to your satisfaction.

Assuring you of our best services.

Thanking you for patronizing our services.

Yours sincerely

(Yogesh Kumar)

Public Complaints Officer

pratik jain

Mar 24 (10 days ago)

to cvodmrc, vigilance, operations, bcc: ashu.hunny786, bcc: amirk700, bcc: neeta12, bcc: kapil, bcc: sunilagarwal75, bcc: !, bcc: pratik_jain


I am not satisfied with your reply and resolution whatever you have provided to me. please let me know the date from when you facing the shortage of supply of coin at your station, and when you have informed the same to your management and what course of action you have take to resolve the issue,

Kindly let me know who have given you or your ticket vending staff the right of charging Rs 20 instead of actual Fare Rs 18 without asking or even informing about the coin issue to the customer.Your staff did not asked me for the change amount not even informed me after deducting the excess amount , I noticed the excess deducted amount when i touch the token at the entrance gate and then informed the same to the Customer Care, Your customer care staff replied me might be she have no change that's why she has deducted more amount even you customer care was not confirmed that at your work station there is a shortage of coin supply.

please tell me what course of action you have taken against my complaint. Please inform me else i would constraint to go to Consumer Court.

According to my perception your complete staff is involve in unfair malpractice of charging excess amount from customer and then distribute this amount between them, and even i have seen the complaint on google of other victim for the same issue even sometimes your ticket vending staff did not recharge with the metro card with the amount whatever customer have paid to your ticket vending staff . Now i have seen some more complaint on Google and on your facebook account where people being cheated by your Delhi Metro Ticket Vending Staff .

You guys using your power and authority for unethical practice which is not correct, I am copying this email to the vigilance team for their investigation and final report.

You can see few complaint against metro staff which is available at google and facebook there are n number of comaplaint which is not mentioned anywhere because all victim has no time to register their complaint but i am not going to leave this matter here.

prabhakar singh (Expert) 03 April 2013
i am not able to comprehend your query.
ajay sethi (Expert) 03 April 2013
it is his case that for Rs 18 service he has been charghed rs 20 . any how you can contact local lawyer if you want to file complaint before consuer forum .

the problem arose because of shortage of coins from RBI .forget about the issue . efforts are being made by DMRC to normalise supply of coins in stations
prabhakar singh (Expert) 03 April 2013
Oh!was it so?

Forget it unless you want to cough out some more.
Pratik Jain (Querist) 03 April 2013
Dear Ajay Ji,

Might be there is a shortage of supply of coin or might be this if malpractice which is getting followed by the DMRC, I just want to shall i get a compensation on account of malpractice followed by DMRC.

Ticket vending staff did not asked for change not even she informed me that she has deducted Rs 20 instead of Rs 18, I noticed the same when i put the token on the machine so it is completely unethical practice even on my written complaint on he same station they do not given me a change of Rs 2.

Please advise
ajay sethi (Expert) 03 April 2013
you may get nominal comepnsation but you will end up spending more time in running around courts and paying lawyer fees
Adv k . mahesh (Expert) 03 April 2013
if your ready to cough up more money only to punish then file before consumer forum
Anirudh (Expert) 03 April 2013
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 03 April 2013
you query is vague. It appears you have been overcharged by Rs 2/-.

You try it before consumer court. They may also undercharge you due to coinage problem and you may be humiliated at exit gate.
Guest (Expert) 03 April 2013
You may better hire services of some local lawyer to help you for getting a compensation against the malpractice followed by the DMRC by filing a case in the consumer forum.

But, to be frank, if you feel it is a case of malpractice by DMRC, you are wrong. Fault of an individual counter clerk cannot be attributed to the organisation of DMRC unless you are able to prove that the DMRC issued instructions to charge excess in view of shortage of coins.

However, as a sr. Executive, if you have enough time and money to waste, you can feel free to fulfill your wishes to sue DMRC for a paltry sum of Rs.2/- charged excess by the counter clerk, just for fun sake if no claim of compensation is admitted.

Best of luck!
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 17 June 2018
I agree with experts.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 17 June 2018
I agree with experts.

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