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Illegal Gift Deed execution

(Querist) 01 May 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Greetings to everyone.
Please please read my sorry tale below and tell me if the Gift Deed Executed can be deemed fraud or illegal. Also this was executed using the GPA which was registered few months before Supreme Court verdict regarding GPA not serving as a title deed. Here is the exact problem:
My uncle used the GPA given by my late dad to formulate the Gift Deed, which he executed to himself, showing himself as the Donour and Donee ! I was not aware of the GPA given to my uncle and this was done without my knowledge, I didn't sign the papers during GPA registration as I didn't know about its existence. My uncle cheated my dad with a promise to sell the land as my dad was ailing at that time. When my dad passed away, and I went to transfer the ownership of land to my name, I was told the land was given as a gift deed ! Out of shock when I applied for the registered gift deed document which was used, I was shocked to see my uncle sign as the Donour and Donee ! The words in GPA said that, my uncle can gift to anyone of his choice. All this was done without my knowledge, and i am the only child for my late dad. My mom passed away much before my dad, and I am left with nothing now. My uncle has transferred all to his name using this gift deed. Will this be deemed as Fraud ?
Please provide a detailed expert opinion.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 01 May 2013
You have been answered.Why have you repeated
then.?We do not like repeats.Refer to your first post.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 01 May 2013
repeated query.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 01 May 2013
uuffff..again repetition..
Sailesh Kumar Shah (Expert) 01 May 2013
Already replied at :-
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 01 May 2013
No reply from my side against the repeated queries.

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