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(Querist) 09 June 2014 This query is : Resolved 
I am belong to barui and got my OBC certificate . But now how can i prove that i am belong to BARUI in front of investigation may be noted i have applied any where . So what will happen .
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 09 June 2014
How you got the the OBC certificate and what are the documents submit to the government authority as proof
Bulu (Querist) 09 June 2014
1)application form mentioning my name name/father mane/sub caste
2)address proff
3) Identity proff
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 09 June 2014
with that proof how the issuing authority given that community certificate
Bulu (Querist) 09 June 2014
then what is the next step . it may be noted i have not used it for any advantage
Please guide me
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 09 June 2014
What type of investigation?

Get a certificate from Tehsildar office about your caste. It would be issue on the basis of confirmation from its field staff (Patwari).
Bulu (Querist) 09 June 2014
it is not possible we are staying in a district town for last 15 year.and working in State PSU under general category. My father was Govt. Employee and he was expired 1993. My per my mother my grand father/mother we used to paan(betle leaf)plantation/Businesses
Please guide me
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 09 June 2014
Then get the VAO certificate. He will issue. Such proof.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 09 June 2014
have you contacted tehsil office.
Bulu (Querist) 10 June 2014
In our district only Municipality and word commissioner is there. I did not find any TEHSIL /VAO office

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