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(Querist) 24 February 2010 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Friends,

Can some expert in civil law explain the following case law and from where it can be located?

I have searched P&H database but it could not not be located in the absence of name of parties.No other details are available with me.

Costs - Impleadment of a party without any justification - Costs imposed @ Rs.5,000/- payable to each such party. 2010(1) Civil Court Cases 223 (P&H) (DB)

Kiran Kumar (Expert) 24 February 2010
the title of the case is

M/s Kohinoor Seeds Fields India Pvt. Ltd.


State of Punjab and others

Civil Writ Petition No. 10569 of 2008

decided on 4-11-2008
AMAR RANU (Querist) 25 February 2010
Many Many thanks Mr.Kiran
Really grateful to you for your timely and correct response.
We are proud of our esteemed experts.
AMAR RANU (Querist) 26 February 2010
There is serious problem with the Punjab & Haryana High Court website and the abovesaid judgment is not downloadable.
It is neither available with Indian Kanoon and other portals.

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