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Expert Advise - We have lost original flat property document

(Querist) 05 March 2010 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Sir / Madam,

I need your expert advice and help on below matter :

My father have lost the original flat documents some years back and he expired around 2 years back. We have the xerox copy of the documents with us and we intend to transfer the house in name of my mother and then sell it.
I wanted your advice on following :
1) What is the procedure we need to follow to transfer to my mother name as original documents are lost.
2) What formalities we need to complete before we can sell the flat.
3) Will any bank give loans to new buyer if original documents are lost and what is procedure for same.
4) If today the market value of property is 20 lacs, then will I get total value or I have to sell at discount price due to original documents have been lost.

Please help me

A V Vishal (Expert) 05 March 2010
From a purely legal point of view, if you are in a position to establish with reasonable certainty that the original document of title is lost and untraceable, then, in such cases, the certified copy will suffice. However, in the eyes of prospective buyers, a duplicate or a certified copy is never quite as good, and you may find that the price that you can command for your property will always be weaker when you are not in possession of the original documents of title.

Please complain the loss at the police station under whose jurisdiction you reside and also advertise the loss of your documents of title in 2 prominent vernacular newspapers, one in English and the other in the local language calling upon all claimants to lodge claims, if any, within a reasonable time. We shall assume that no claim is lodged. If a claim is lodged, then, obviously, your impression that the title deed is lost is mistaken.

If there is no claim, when a prospective buyer contacts you, you can show him or her the copy of the police complaint along with the paper advertisements.
Kumar Thadhani (Expert) 05 March 2010
yES mr.Vishal you are right.
Vishu (Querist) 05 March 2010
Dear Sir,

Thanks for your guidance.

1) Is their any way I can prove that the original deed have been lost and untraceable.
2) Is their any external agency or valuator who certified that original documents are lost and untraceable
3) Do bank gives loans for such property
4) Are such cases existing in India or I am the first case then how to other people deal with it.

Please guide as I am unexperienced.
Guest (Expert) 05 March 2010
Further to Mr. Vishal's opinion,

(1) After the police complaint is lodged, you can seek a certificate from them that the
'documents are not traced/traceable'. You will have to publish the newspaper notification through an Advocate. If no response is received within 14 days, get a certificate from the Advocate with respect to the advertisement and also to the effect that no response received from anyone.

(2) There is no external agency or valuator regarding this. You can utilise the services of an advocate. Further, the Buyer (if need arise, you can bear the expenses), can place an advertisement in the local newspapers stating that he is intending to purchase the said property and if anyone has any claim/objection, they may do so within 14 days of the publication.

(3) The Banks can give loans on such property (they will verify the 'title search' and go as per Encumbrance Certificate also). There is no bar on loan.

(4) Your case is not unique, there are several cases like yours happen everyday.

For the sake of lost documents, you need not to sell your property at low value. Be sure to adhere to the procedures explained by us.
Vishu (Querist) 05 March 2010
Dear Sir,

Thanks for your valuable guidance.

One last query I have :
1) To create a set of original documents, can I first transfer in name of my mother from my fathers name and then at latter stage create a original deed between my mother and myself. Will this help any way and what will you call a deed between myself and my mother i.e transfer or sale and do I need to pay or she can gift it to me.

Thanks once again to all valuable experts

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