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Rights as a tenant

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 17 July 2020 This query is : Resolved 
Hello! I live as a tenant one in a housing society in Pune. During this pandemic, I'm stuck here all alone while all my roommates went home.
So this housing society I live in isn't allowing visitors but I had already seeked my owner's permission to call my brother here from Bangalore because I have health issues and it was difficult for me to manage here all by myself. Also, I already asked the security supervisor of the society prior to my brother's visit on what are the formalities and he said after his arrival he'll be made to fill a form and that'll be it.
My brother came to Pune after the owner allowed and the security advisor said that it was okay. But today a security personnel came to my flat said my owner needs to mail the management office of the society stating my brother's visit and the owner did just to confirm that he has allowed for the same.
But the management society replied that I cannot call my brother here. I'm not well and can't handle all this fuss for nothing. My brother is just a visitor and I don't want him to stress him with this.
I just want to know what are my rights? Is this allowed what this housing society is doing? If not, what can I do about it? Please advise me what to do.
Thanks in advance!
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 18 July 2020
Being peculiar circumstances of pendamic managment of the Society might have made rules restricting visitors in the premises, which has to be considered on case to case basis but not as a matter of legal requirement/ restriction.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 18 July 2020
In case the managing committee do not permit report the matter to local police.
Recently Pune police has lodged a FIR against such President/ Sectretary of a CHS for not allowing truck of a newly inducted tentant.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 18 July 2020
Have the society issued any notice in this regard?

Have they passed any resolution in this respect?

Has local administration issued any guidelines in this respect?

Whether any guest of other residents are visiting?

You can approach local administration / police for necessary permission in the given circumstances.
P. Venu (Expert) 18 July 2020
The society has locus standi to interfere in personal matters of tenant. The Security is an internal arrangement of the Society; they are not public officer authorised to interfere in matters of personal issues, if at all any.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 19 July 2020
It is doubtful that society has any right to interfere in the personal matters of residents till these are well within law.

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