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Membership in an association

(Querist) 10 July 2021 This query is : Resolved 
Hello, there is an association in Chennai for the Casting Directors & Celebrity Managers and I joined in 2019 as a member of that said association. However do to my personal and professional duties, I have informed the President and the Secretary via Whatsapp (not in Email or Letter) about not able to continue in the said association any longer. However I havent received any kind of communication from the Association or the Office Bearers of the Association for accepting my offer to relive myself from the association till this date.

However the Joint Secretary claims letters are sent to my residential address and it has returned do to non availability of persons at the said address. They haven't communicated with me about this either on my contact number or on the email address provided to them at the time of joining as a member of the association.

They have conducted an election today (10.07.2021) and upon enquiry, it has been said that my name is not in the Register & I am in no way be able to cast my vote. Please note I have paid an initial subscription amount of Rs.5000 on 14th June 2019. Till this date I have not received a receipt too for the same said value.

Kindy let me know, if, ......

01. In case they have decided to accept my resignation as a member of the association, there should be a written documental proof from them to claim so, right?

02. Also, they should have provided me with the receipt for the amount paid to them.

03. If they have not provided any documentary evidence to show that they have sent a letter to me, can I consider myself as a member of the said association, till date?

04. If point # 3 is true, how can they deny in such a way that I am not entitled to cast my vote in the said elections held in the association.

05. In case if I decide to resign from the post of membership, through letter, am I entitled to receive the payment of Rs.5000 paid by me?

Kindly clarify on these issues.
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 10 July 2021
1.No. You shall send a resignation letter through Registered Post. The association will not give the receipt of your resignation. But the association shall bring to the notice of the members in the General Body meeting that you are going to resign and the majority of members shall approve it. You should be attended the meeting and can obtain the meetings copy at the time of the meeting.2. They shall give a receipt for membership fees. 03. You resigned your self and so the association may not send you the notice. 04. does not arise.05. Why in case? You have already informed via whatsapp to the President/Secretary. Then why again resign?

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