Temporary injuction disposed off and vacated

Querist :
(Querist) 12 April 2023
This query is : Resolved
Sir I'm a new lawyer working independently recently I got interim order for plaintiffs in the shape of temporary injuction then further we had arguments in that case after some time judge disposed off the interim order and vacated the status quo.now is there any way out to file another application for injuction meanwhile defendants have already filed caveat .I know we have option to go for appeal but I want to know on fast grouds what would be better because defendants have started construction on suit property and sooner they will complete construction if the injuction could not be granted again In next few days ...
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 14 April 2023
If the status quo order was vacated then you can approach high court with a revision petition venting out your grievances and the remedy you are looking for