Purchase of property
akash khan
(Querist) 11 December 2012
This query is : Resolved
my father and 3 uncle has purchase the property 4 years before where it payment was made by my father only but the property was on name of 4 brothers but 1 of my uncle have not paid a single rupee to my father now he is ready to pay ie after 4 years but we dont want the payment as we want property bcoz value of property has increased and uncle is asking for property.wat shuld we do...property is in the name of 4 brothers...
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 11 December 2012
Accept what ever he is offering otherwise legally neither you have right to get the money nor can you do anything against him as he is absolute owner of the property.
Close this chapter as earliest as possible otherwise someone may teach him this legal provision.