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I am looking for clean lawyer

(Querist) 29 November 2016 This query is : Resolved 
Dear all,
I have an society (flats association) problem
my lawyer cheated us by not proceeding orders in chennai high court. So we are searching for challenging advocate.
my number is nine zero eight zero six zero one four five six.
Thank you.
Guest (Expert) 30 November 2016
Mr. Ravi,

Every lawyer is expected to pose to be a clean lawyer before you, while contacting you. So, how do you propose to distinguish the clean, cleaner or the cleanest lawyer out of all those, who contact you on the given mobile No.?

Better go to the court premises, see for yourself at least for 3-4 days, who represents the cases of his clients sincerely and effectively in the different courts of law.
rajeev sharma (Expert) 30 November 2016
Every lawyer is clean and ethical. If anyone commits an error of judgment on further course of action in any matter that may be his lack of competency but not the case of being dishonest.As a doctor does notits patient to die no lawyer wants its client to loose the case.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 30 November 2016
search LCI list of lawyers.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 30 November 2016
search LCI list of lawyers.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 30 November 2016
If you want to search in LCI databank:
Kumar Doab (Expert) 30 November 2016
Probably you mean to say the counsel that shall not abuse his/her client and interest of the client.

Isn't it?
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 30 November 2016
what do you mean by 'clean' lawyer?
Guest (Expert) 30 November 2016
Dear Mr. Ravi,

Basis of presumption of Mr. Kumar Doab, "PROBABLY you mean to say the counsel that shall not abuse his/her client and interest of the client," on your behalf behalf seems to be questionable.

However, besides any abuser, you have also the need to beware of the posers & pretenders in themselves, and touts, bluff masters and commission agents of the lawyers, while engaging a lawyer for your case. But even abuser, but a lawyer if dedicated to your cause and if available at your place, he should not be avoided at any cost.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 30 November 2016

What is happening to you in each thread?

You were instructed and cautioned to not to comment on me or my posts.

Still you are posting your constipated, psychopathic comments.

Guest (Expert) 30 November 2016
Mr. Doab,

First of all, I take exception to your wrongly addressing me, as "Dhingre" instead of "Dhingra." Better get your eyes tested from some ablest eye specialist, if unable to read the names properly.

Secondly, you are not my boss or Director of the LCI to instruct or caution me on my observations, if any post is found unconcerned to the requirement of the question.

Thirdly, I have endorsed your own view about abusing counsel by adding some more cautions for the querist, i.e., "However, BESIDES any abuser," what he has the need to beware of the posers & pretenders in themselves, and touts, bluff masters and commission agents of the lawyers.

In other words, I have fully endorsed your caution for the querist.

Fourthly, you have resorted to unprovoked abuse with your unwarranted statement, "Still you are posting your CONSTIPATED, PSYCHOPATHIC comments," in order to intentionally insult me in a very open manner on this open forum.

Now I warn you to remain within your own limits. If not able to use appropriate and good language, don't try to make filthy comments against me.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 30 November 2016
Dear LCI Querist @ Ravi,

The comments of Dhingra:

"But even abuser, but a lawyer if dedicated to your cause and if available at your place, he should not be avoided at any cost."

conveys to you that:

Even if your lawyer calls you names, abuses you, you may still keep him engaged and continue to pay your lawyer..................

You may better show these comments to your elders in the family, our own family counsel, near and dear ones................

This is a new currency of Dhingra;::: Pay and also get abused.

So you may buy abuses from Shop of Dhingra.

{"Dear Mr. Ravi,

Basis of presumption of Mr. Kumar Doab, "PROBABLY you mean to say the counsel that shall not abuse his/her client and interest of the client," on your behalf behalf seems to be questionable.

However, besides any abuser, you have the need to beware of the posers & pretenders in themselves, and touts, bluff masters and commission agents of the lawyers also, while engaging a lawyer for your case. But even abuser, but a lawyer if dedicated to your cause and if available at your place, he should not be avoided at any cost."}

Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 30 November 2016
It would not be difficult for you to search a lawyer suitable to your requirement, please try to search.

With out going through the case file, no comments whether where the fault was.

Go through the decided cases of past, find the lawyers who appeared, can select one out of them.

Best wishes for your case and search for lawyer.
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 30 November 2016
Mr. Ravi
We don't know the real facts of your statement. What is your parameter of " clean Lawyer"
Kumar Doab (Expert) 30 November 2016

You may rather use magnifying glasses in addition to magnifying lenses on your tested eyes.

You are instead NOONE and NOBODY to claim rights on me and my comments.

You have been instructed and remain instructed not to comments on me and my comments.

I return your warning with final warning to refrain from acting against above.

"Basis of presumption of Mr. Kumar Doab, "PROBABLY you mean to say the counsel that shall not abuse his/her client and interest of the client," on your behalf behalf seems to be questionable.'

Kumar Doab (Expert) 30 November 2016

After fixing magnifying glasses in addition to magnifying lenses on your tested eyes, you may also consume something that would permanently stop you from posting:

"But even abuser, but a lawyer if dedicated to your cause and if available at your place, he should not be avoided at any cost."

in addition to calling lawyer's "Jhola Chhaap" in threads at LCI.

Your memory of abusing has been refreshed in many threads to you:

Your problems with your own persona are complicated and your views are indeed constipated and psychopathic.

You need to shed your illusions and hallucinations that you are anyone's boss or owner of LCI.

You can abuse in your personal fiefdom i.e within the walls of your private residence if that is accepted there.

Guest (Expert) 30 November 2016
Mr. Doab,

You are welcome with expression of your irritation and frustration.

Your latest statement, clearly reveals that you really have the need to get yourself checked by some psychiatrist. I need not consume anything. It seems it is your own necessity.

You are coming forward with mere vague statement when you don't find answer to my observation, whereas, I have proved in this very thread that you are the abuser. Also the link referred by you also exposes you very well about your wrong guidance to the querist.

There are several such threads, where you tried to misguide the querists instead of giving any suitable advice.

About your statement on jhola chhap lawyers, it was your own invention to include in one of your own statement, as cannot be found in any of my replies, except where I would have reproduced your statement.

About dedicated lawyer, probably you are really ignorant, what a DEDICATED lawyer is. A dedicated lawyer can never be a jhola chhap lawyer and do not also try to mislead their clients, like you have tried in most of the questions of the querists with your wrong advice.

You may better recheck the meaning of the term "dedicated" and you will find that you definitely do not come in that category.

Your irritation and mental sickness is visible from the statement, "You are instead NOONE and NOBODY to claim rights on me and my comments." You have repeated the words "NOONE and NOBODY" in almost about 50 times in various threads. Why don't you repeat 50 times in every thread along with your answer for your mental satisfaction? For your information, this being an open frum, you can't put any restriction on me topin- point if you misguide any querist or try to confuse his mind.

You should at least be honest with the querists at the open forum, whatever you may be in your personal life.

The question arises, when you don't understand what is what of the problem and solution for that, why do you try to post several vague and contradictory replies against any single thread?

Kumar Doab (Expert) 01 December 2016

You have miserably failed again to distract the readers, querist,experts, again.

You indeed need to get admitted in your psychiatrist's hospital and get your mental sickness addressed and treated.

If your psychiatrist has been unable then you may visit a Neurosurgeon and check with him for 'Lobotomy' i.e' removing a part of brain;;;to end the torment.

In fact it is you only that has posted:

"But even abuser, but a lawyer if dedicated to your cause and if available at your place, he should not be avoided at any cost."

In above mentioned thread you abused then lied that you did not abuse then your abuse was pointed out to you for admission and apology by you.

So far you have neither apologized nor regretted.

Now in this thread you are advertising your trademark slogan that Pay you, and get abused.

So far in any thread NO expert has stated that ::: Come to us::: Pay us:::: and get abused by us:::: continue to pay us::::

You have been advertising in threads and demanding that querists should call you,send emails to you and seek appointment from you and pay you consultation fee.

You are in the habit of publishing emails, personal messages sent to you and distort the messages.

You are a risk.

You have posted 'Jhola Chhaap' for lawyers and show the magnanimity to post the link of all threads ..............

You do not know even basics and that is why you are frustrated and irritated.

The readers of this thread cal also see drought of basic knowledge and blankness that you suffer from at:

You are instead NOONE and NOBODY to claim rights on me and my comments.

Now Leave.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 01 December 2016

Needless to mention that in the link mentioned above contrary to your hollow claims;You have miserably failed to provide any useful opinion to the author and I have provided him with practical and suitable solution.

Your trademark abuse is loudly visible in that thread also.

The querist has not approached you for paid consultation and that is another reason of your frustration, irritation................

Guest (Expert) 01 December 2016
Mr. Doab,

So, now, besides acting as a poser, pretender, bluffer, abuser, language editor, you now seems to have become the self styled mouth piece of the readers, when stated, "You have miserably failed again to distract the readers, querist,experts, again."

Except presumptions, and repetitions of my own statements about your exposure, you have nothing to say, while I used to expose you with facts & proof.

Now, in order to prove your statement, "You have posted 'Jhola Chhaap' for lawyers and show the magnanimity to post the link of all threads .............." WHY DON'T YOU COME FORWARD with the link where I have stated, as "Jhola Chhap" as of my own statement. You can't go back from your own statement on that.

Your irritation and frustration is quite evident from both the above posts of yours, when got exposed.

Now your other exposure to baffle you will follow just after a few moments.
Guest (Expert) 01 December 2016
Dear Ravi,

Please refer to the advice of Shri Kumar Doab, where he referred you a link to search a lawyer.

You have the right to ask him, whether he is definite that you would be able to find with certainty the clean lawyer through that link? Probably, he refers the link to the authors with the hope to earn some commission when some authors of the queries contact him to recommend some lawyer, may be to act as a commission agent or a tout.

I recommend, you must see the profile particularly of that pretending expert, who through his own profile has very clearly admitted that instead of any appropriate advice he only "prefers to POST at LCI, BUT WHAT HE PREFERS TO POST is merely a matter of guess. Also in his own profile, HE HAS ADMITTED that his VIEWS, as expressed, are merely his "FEELINGS" (NOT ANY LEGAL ADVICE or guidance) AND that the same "SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE TO BE LEGAL ADVICE."

Not only that instead of his own qualifications and experience, which is doubtful, he merely professes through his own profile to "consult a local lawyer." SO, YOU CAN VERY WELL UNDERSTAND, WHAT IS THE UTILITY OF HIS BARE FEELING THAT HAS NO STANDING AT LEGAL PARLANCE.


His profile is available at the following link, which is a must see by all the querists to know about what type of that pretender is:


EXTRACTS FROM HIS PROFILE IS GIVEN BELOW, (as he is in the habit of making alterations when his worth and bluffs are challenged):

"I shall prefer to post at LCI on matters pertaining to Labor and Service , Insurance, Consumer, Banking, Property, Income Tax……."

"The views expressed in various threads are FIRST HAND FEELING on the matter posted in the thread and SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE TO BE LEGAL ADVICE."

"Online Discussions have its own limitations. Kindly CONSULT A LOCAL LAWYER at your location along with all documents on record in person and understand the merits and proceed under expert advise of your able counsel."


He seems to be acting merely as an agent for some particular lawyers as he is in the habit of recommending some specific lawyers, even without asking.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 01 December 2016
Intolerable and abusive aged person P.S.Dhingra,


You have been doing it for months and in endless number of threads, FOR YEARS.

You have been posting immediately after 1st query posted by author/querist, and copying and pasting from my profile.


You have lost your mental composure and that is why you are abusing authors/querist, fellow experts, repeatedly since many years.

You have LOST your senses and recklessly asking readers to pay you and get abused.

You have been lying arrogantly without any feeling of remorse in fag end of your life.

You were never and you shall be never a recruiter, appointing authority to choose experts at LCI (LawyersClubIndia).

Let us see what you have been doing in other Forums where you claim to be a posting as some expert.

You have been rejected and dejected in this thread and other threads.

You are mad with your jealousy and hatred.

For your own sake get yourself admitted in a mental asylum and remain under psychiatric's care.

Stop littering nuisance here.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 01 December 2016
The readers of this thread can also see drought of basic knowledge and blankness that this Intolerable and abusive aged person, BADTAMIJ BUDDHA P.S.Dhingra,

suffer from and also his habit of lying at:
Kumar Doab (Expert) 01 December 2016
Dear LCI Querist @ Ravi,

It shall not be surprising if this this Intolerable and abusive aged person, BADTAMIJ BUDDHA P.S.Dhingra,

also posts at his profile

in addition to:

""Pay me and get abused also ."


" Get beaten with sticks also........"

He may posted it at his profile and declare that anyone approaching him should be ready to get abused with his choicest of abuses and get beaten with sticks.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 01 December 2016
There is NO change and there shall be NO change in messages posted at my profile.

Anyone can go thru the threads posted under anyone's profile and discuss with elders of his/her family,family counsel before making final decision.

This Intolerable and abusive aged person, BADTAMIJ BUDDHA P.S.Dhingra is not a lawyer.

He is at LCI just to advertise::::: as he has posted in his threads:::: call/send email to fix appointment and pay him consultation fee.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 01 December 2016
Dear LCI Querist @ Ravi,

The link sent to you is for judgments in matter similar to your query.

You have find it useful.

You are welcome in future also.

I have not earned a single penny from the link sent to you.

The counsel at any location specialize in respective filed of law that they choose as per their own taste e.g; civil, criminal ,family, labor, service, taxation, consumer etc etc

Likewise a querist/author should choose a counsel specializing in respective filed of law..............

I have been suggesting names of few counsels that specialize in various fields of law at are respected members of LCI e.g;

Mr. Devajyoti Barman

Mr.Rajendra K Goyal

Mr. ajay sethi )

Mr. prabhakar singh

Mr. R.K Nanda

Mr. T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate


Mr. Shonee Kapoor

Dr J C Vashista

Mr. P. Venu ,

Mr. malipeddi jaggarao

Mr. Anirudh

Mr. A V Vishal

Mr. N.J.S.Rajkumar alias narasimha


Mr. sankar narayanan

Mr. Kirti Kar Tripathi


Mr. Advocate Bhartesh goyal

Mr. M V Gupta

Mr. Hemant Agarwal

Mr. H. S. Thukral

Mr.J K Agrawal


to name a few.

These experts shall reply to you and all of us if they have kept any touts and commission agents......

I have not earned a single penny to this moment from LCI.

The experts render selfless service to benefit the authors/querist at LCI.

This Intolerable and abusive aged person, BADTAMIJ BUDDHA P.S.Dhingra is not a lawyer and has been alluring the authors/querist to contact him and pay him consultation fee.

He is not expert and is blank and is visible in threads in which he has posted.

He chases and stalks authors/querist, even fellow experts with his arrogant and abusive posts.

He has quarreled with everyone and and he has leveled false and frivolous charges on fellow experts, and many of the experts have left LCI.

He has problems with owners/promoters/admin of LCI as he claims share from paid phone calls made by authors/querist thru LCI where each call was minimum of Rs. 450/ and admin of LCI probably did not agree to make any payment.

I have been posting and shall continue to post highly illustrated threads and attach Acts/enactments/rules/judgments/citations.............and Dhingra has problems with it, although he has been downloading, copying,storing my posts to fleece his unsuspecting clients.

He wants to continue with his arrogant and abusive post and wants that we should tolerate it.

WE will not tolerate him anymore.

We have been asking the authors/querist to report his abuse to LCI at;

1800-3000-0505 (Toll Free)

I have never opted for any paid calls.

I am not carrying a phone or email id for LCI and even don't entertain queries by PM.

LCI is a good platform and have many experts that want to make selfless service.

This Intolerable and abusive aged person, BADTAMIJ BUDDHA P.S.Dhingra is the ONLY distraction and nuisance at LCI.

Guest (Expert) 01 December 2016
Mr. Doab,

First of all, your abusive language, addressing me as, "BADTAMIJ BUDDHE", speaks about not only your own abusive nature as against your false pretensions about me, BUT ALSO reveals the EXTREME NATURE OF YOUR IRRITATION AN FRUSTRATION on yourself being exposed through your own nasty posts. You have repeated FOUR TIMES, "BADTAMIJ BUDDHE" or "BADTAMIJ BUDDHA" in your 5 continuous posts one after the other. I very well know even that act of yours would not have given you mental peace, which you fervently seek due to your own blunders, which you avoid to admit.

In addition, your FIVE CONTINUOUS posts clearly prove that, as per your profile, you feel happy only by posting vague, ABUSIVE AND IRRELEVANT CONTENTS THAT HAVE NO RELATION WITH THE QUERY.


Also, thanks for giving names of 24 experts, as you stated, "to name a few" whom you have been recommending the querists. I don't have any objection, even if you recommend the querists even to 24,000 lawyers. BUT THAT ITSELF IS A PROOF THAT YOU KNOW NOTHING AND MERELY DO THE JOB OF RECOMMENDING THE QUERISTS TO CONTACT OTHER EXPERTS. That clearly reveal from almost all of your posts, when you say cosult some very capable counsel, so that the querists may contact try to contact you privately to know your mind.

For rest, the readers can very well understand the state of your mind after reading your own self speaking posts.

Anyway, best of luck!
Guest (Expert) 01 December 2016
Mr. Doab,

I am thankful to you for your statement, "He has problems with owners/promoters/admin of LCI as he claims share from paid phone calls made by authors/querist thru LCI where each call was minimum of Rs. 450/ and admin of LCI probably did not agree to make any payment."

Actually your bluff has given me a great opportunity to challenge you in this open forum.



i have never been paid even a single paisa by the lci, whatever, the admn would have charged from the contacting persons. COME ON TO PROVE, IF MY STATEMENT IS WRONG.


NOW FINALLY, I ALERT ALL THE READERS NOT TO CONTACT ME THROUGH THE LINK, Click to talk" of the LCI, OR pay even a single paisa through that link, as available along with my ID in my previous profile.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 01 December 2016

You know nothing else other than your dirty politics and abuse that you have been playing at LCI for years.

All readers that go thru your threads in Forum/Experts section shall read it with their own eyes and decide with their wen mind, and will show these to their own lawyers and elders of their family, near and dear ones and everyone will make out what a abuser you are.

You are in deed a "BADTAMIJ BUDDHA" and this I have posted after months of your attacks on me and of years on querist/authors, felow experts, that are full of abuse, jealousy.

You are a "BADTAMIJ BUDDHA" and that is why in the last you have been reminded that you are a "BADTAMIJ BUDDHA".

You are quick to forget that when you were littering nuisance in Forum/Experts sections and bombarding the querist/authors with choicest of your abusive statements and threats, you were calling me and other experts to help and shelter you and I stood by all experts.

The threads of your abuse have not been removed by admin of LCI.

You have never admitted your abuse and instead of admitting and feeling sorry you have lied and your lies are known to you and readers of the threads.....................although your memory has been refreshed time and again.

You have accused me of earning commissions from experts and called me as tout. I will take you to task properly on it also.

The fact is that you are touting at LCI to allure the authors and querist to you and fleece them by your fees.

You are not a lawyer and you do not know even basics.

For your commission and habit of touting you will go to any limit that any tout will go.

I shall not be surprised if you are caught touting on any other immoral trade also.

It is another of your lies that you have NO OBJECTION if any other expert of LCI is recommended by me. The pain in your back and catch in your neck is on my recommendation of other experts.

The fact is you are NOONE and NOBODY to object to my recommendations.

You are not worthy of any recommendation due to your blankness and abusive conduct.

You have lied on your desired cut and commission from LCI admin and that you have not been alluring clients from LCI and extracting your fees from ad commission from unsuspecting and harassed authors/clients.

You have been downloading and storing my highly illustrated threads and a habit of lying you are lying.

The readers will find out soon.

I have been asking you in repeatedly in endless number of threads to refrain from your trademark abuse, but you have never stopped and never apologized.

I will continue to suggest experts, cite illustrated threads, judgments, etc etc and your lies and expose your lies.

Guest (Expert) 02 December 2016
Mr. Doab,

You seem to haver really gon berserk and crazy, as you are openly abusing me and calling me abusive. Readers would naturally have observed, who is abusive, when you repeatedly say, badtamij buddhe or badtamij buddha.

Your desperation is quite imminent.

Also, you are openly making lies one after the other and telling me as lying. Another example of your frustration, desperation and irritation.

Anyway, you have becoming a cause of amusement for the readers my making mockery of yourself with your self exposure. GOOD.

About the terms, commission or touting, you are telling more and more on yourself, as I never resort to taking commission or touting anyone. Contrarily, you have self proved about yourself to be now touting, first by giving the names of 24 experts in this thread, as well as repeating the same in another thread about "verification for govt job" as at:

Contrarily, I never asked you to give names of the experts, whose names you are recommending to the authors. RATHER, I believe that you have revealed their named just with the intention to defame them.

But, in other words, you have also done a good job for the authors of the queries, as they can directly approach these experts without your intervention and you will not have to take trouble to intimate individual to individual to whome they should contact. WELL DONE.

Of course, I can well understand that for commission and habit of touting you will go to any limit that any tout will go. Also, I shall not be surprised if you are caught touting on any other immoral trade also. ABOUT MYSELF, I POSE YOU AN OPEN CHALLENGE, IF YOU CAN PROVE EVEN A SINGLE EXAMPLE OF MY TOUTING OR ASKING FOR ANY COMMISSION FROM ANYONE, WHERE AS YOU HAVE PROVED TO BE AN OPEN BOOK FOR ONE AND ALL, THAT TOO THROUGH YOUR OWN POSTS.

The question arises, when you don't understand what is what of the law, why do you resort to make posts just to satisfy your lust to post to fulfil your wishes to post irrelevant and replies, not concerned with the query.

Anyway, I can only wish, best of luck for you!

Kumar Doab (Expert) 02 December 2016

You are at LCI and other forum (that you claim and shall be exposed naked there also) just and just to allure the authors and querist to you to charge fee for appointment and consultation......

Mere mention of a client would initiate saliva running out from your mouth.

Your abuse and your lies are known to you in all threads and recent one has been posted for your addled mind and to refresh your memory.

You are a habitual lier, and sadly you want to remain like that at fag end of whatsoever is leftover in your life and old age.

Although all readers of this post and all experts, authors,querists and you have also read about your own lies............ but you as a stubborn, arrogant, good for nothing and Badmatij budha that you indeed are...............desperately putting in efforts to distract, and failing each time.

You have been wasting your fag end and leftover life in our old age by getting immersed more and more in your lies,abuse, and want to remain immersed, in stench of your sickening posts.

You are hellbent to let readers of LCI that you are that is appropriately called as tail of an animal that remained in bottle but after years when it was taken out of bottle it was still bent and not straight.

We posted out respects to you in the past due to your age that is visible in photo of old man posted in your profile..

The popular acronym is 'Pure (Desi) ghee is not digestible to an animal'

At your age, as in your photo a simple, straight, upfront person accepts his abuses and apologizes and vows to reform.

However you are the sole and lone person at LCI that is posting his constipated and psychopathic views in Forum/Experts sections.

For idiopathic ( ask the meaning from your medical practitioner) understanding of your mental disorder you need to run to your psychiatrist and neurosurgeon.

They shall strongly recommend the mental asylum and lobotomy for you to end your torment.

Your must have earned enough from LCI to take care of expenses at asylum.

On the contrary your desperation is loudly visible, you are a thing of pity.

Anyone that has gone thru the threads posted for you and has gone thru threads under your profile and shown to elders of his/her family and his/her counsel are laughing at you.

The authors/querist have openly posted for you that Expert Shri Kumar Doab have posted useful post and links for them and reprimanded you, but your mind that is failing due to your jealousy not for me alone bit for all experts, does not let you admit it.

Therefore you may surrender yourself to a very able psychiatrist and neurosurgeon and let them operate upon you to end your torment and disorder.

You have objection to making references of various experts specializing in various fields of law at various locations since your bread, salt and tea is earned from fleecing hapless and unsuspecting querist of LCI.

My reference of these experts and other experts is just and proper.

Al of these 24 experts and everyone else and me, are making contribution in enriching discussions, however you alone are littering nuisance.

You are totally blank and the drought of legal knowledge that you suffer from is loudly visible in threads and link of threads has been provided to you in various threads including this one to refresh your memory.

On the contrary it is you that is making mockery of you in each thread and you deserve it.

You are fighting the lost battle and are exposing yourself more with each thread and you are doing it since you feel NO Shame in it.

If shame has left you then grace has also left you.............and it is loudly visible.

You have NO shame and NO grace.

I have posted highly illustrated threads duly supported with rules positions, enactments, citations,judgments and you have copied and stored these.

The readers of this thread can also visit my profile and go thru my threads........

The dejection and rejection that you get slammed on your face is loud slap on your face but your own problems with your own persona does not let you listedn to the sound of it.

However the readers of posts at LCI are not deaf and blind like you.

LCI does not need you.

You need a very able psychiatrist and neurosurgeon and you need to pay your own cost for your treatment and your well being.


Guest (Expert) 02 December 2016
Mr. Doab,

You are once again welcome with expression of your frustration and irritation when you venture to make merely a plethora of hollow statemens. Contrary to that, I have always proved you as a poser, an assumption maker, lacking any knowledge of law, a tout, an agent, a false statement maker, a double cross fellow, a person having a lust for making posts without understanding what the author of the query wants, etc. etc., with facts and figures that too with reference to your own posts and profile.

In fact, you are not exposing me, but you get yourself exposed through your own contradictory and false statement.

Now, as you had severally cried "NOW LEAVE" that demonstrates well about your extreme agony and frustration, when you have failed to find any wayout of your frustration for your misdeeds, even by abusing me abundantly.

Contrarily, I have already pointed out to you in reply to your cry in almost all the related thread that when you provoke me not to leave, how you can expect me to leave?

Best of luck!

Kumar Doab (Expert) 02 December 2016

Your sick mind is keeping you in your own word of weird hallucinations.

Your frustrations are having NO impact at LCI.

Since you do not agree with us..................anyone.........You may with confidence show my posts,threads, comments to your own father ( God bless him if he is alive) your mother ( God bless him if he is alive) your sons and daughters, and relative, your teachers ( if you had any) and invariably the comments from a sensible person would be.................

that you are a habitual abuser,liar, blank and pretender.............etc etc...........and nothing else..............and without any feeling of remorse....

Run to your your psychiatrist and neurosurgeon, and surrender to them to operate upon you.

Their diagnosis might also be ; MDP ( Maniac Depressive Psychosis), and old OCD ( Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)..............YOU are at liberty to read and you shall agree due to the symptoms that you display.

and that you have abundantly abused this forum, authors/querist, fellow experts, members,.................without any feeling of remorse..................can not be granted any more concession due to the aged man's photo that you display......................SO RUN and HIDE.

Guest (Expert) 02 December 2016
Mr. Kumar Doab,

Wecome again with your frustration and irritation and your severally repeated cry, "NOW LEAVE" demonstrating the state of your utter agony!

Best of luck.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 03 December 2016

On the contrary your own shreaks and cries and medical disorders of remaining habitual abuser,liar, blank and pretender without any feeling of remorse are to be treated by your own family and your own psychiatrist and neurosurgeon...........SO RUN and HIDE.

Guest (Expert) 03 December 2016
Mr. Doab,

You may pretend, whatever you can, even with beating of drums, the facts about you cannot be denied.

Even your present post clearly demonstrates your repeated cry and agony, when you have cried "RUN and HIDE" and also made repeated dry, "NOW LEAVE."

Is not it strange that when you remain hidden, you also want me to hide? I am very open with my open and crystal clear opinions. IT IS ONLY YOUR HABIT TO HIDE, AS YOU HAVE FAILED TO UPLOADED YOUR OWN PICTURE SO FAR ON THE SITE, EVEN ON SEVERAL REMINDERS. EVIDENTLY YOU ARE FILLED WITH THE FEAR THAT THE READERS WOULD RECOGNIZE YOU, as a proven pretender, a poser, an assumption maker, lacking any knowledge of law, a tout, an agent, an open abuser, a false statements maker, a double cross fellow, a person having a lust for making posts without understanding what the author of the query wants, etc. etc., through your own various posts or even your own profile.


Anyway, best of luck again.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 03 December 2016

On the contrary your own shreaks and cries and medical disorders of remaining habitual abuser,liar, blank and pretender without any feeling of remorse are to be treated by your own family and your own psychiatrist and neurosurgeon...........SO RUN and HIDE.

The readers of this thread and all threads posted in many thread to open you clogged mind and vision have been read by all readers.

Everyone knows that you have been abusing the forum of LCI, querists, authors, members, experts in Forum and Experts section.......

You are the sole and lone person that does not have basic common sense, curtsy and sense of shame otherwise you would have begged for apology immediately...................

You are posting since you have nothing else to do and LCI is your bait and you are loitering at LCI and other forums just to attract and allure unsuspecting querist and fleece with them with your fee for your good for nothing consultancy.

The threads that open you blankness and NO knowledge have been posted for you and readers.

The acronym is:

"Khisiyani Billi Khamba Nochhe"

You have been virtually thrashed, smashed, shoed, boxed, chappalled, slapped by querist/authors, members, experts that you have abused...................and you have run away from Forum.

You want to spend rest of your leftover life in abusing and fleecing querists without any sense of remorse...............

You have already been instructed to stop believing that you are anything at LCI .............................leave apart any headmaster................

Your lies have been exposed :naked.

Now torture your own family upon whom you might have some claim.


Guest (Expert) 03 December 2016
Mr. Doab,

My posts are in a general tone, while your posts clearly reveal your agony, cries and frustration. Even now in you latest post, you have cried and lamented in agony, "Now torture your own family upon whom you might have some claim." and "NOW LEAVE."

In fact, you become the cause of your own torture on account of your pretensions and hollow statements.

I have already pointed out you that even on beating of drums with your pretensions, your image cannot be cleaned.

I can only wish you the best of luck.

Guest (Expert) 03 December 2016
Better the Author/Querist should Reply to Question/Query Raised by Expert Mr.Sankar Narayanan
Guest (Expert) 03 December 2016
Instead of a proper advice to the query of the author, if he receives numerous sermons from Shri Kumar Doab, I doubt, if the author would feel the need to reply query of any expert.

However, I wish the author posts reply to the query of Shri Sankar Narayanan to get more inputs.

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