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How to form a trade union?

(Querist) 15 September 2008 This query is : Resolved 

How to form the trade union?

What are the conditions to be satisfied
to form a union of the employees? is it
possible to form in the Professional firm?

Guest (Expert) 15 September 2008
Just like a Society under the Societies Registration Act.
H. S. Thukral (Expert) 15 September 2008
No Dear Kotresh, Trade Union is not formed according to Society Registration Act. A Trade Union is a combination of seven or more persons formed primarily for the purpose of regulating relations between the workmen and the employers. Though a registered union enjoys some privileges, yet an unregistered union can function in the same way as a registered trade union.Mode of registration is provided in section 4-6 of the trade union act and application has to be in form A provided in the central regulations, made to Registrar Trade Unions. There is a nominal fee of registration.
Yes you can form a union of workmen in a professional firm if there are seven workmen or if there are less than 7 you can become member of any other trade union whose rules permit so.
Infact to under stand the purpose of workers' union, you have to go through the definition of Industrial Dispute. It is in plural form i.e. a dispute between the workmen and the employers or between the workmen and workmen or employers and employers. there is no individual dispute except a dispute on termination of servicess of a workman. A group of workmen in the absence of trade union can sponsor a dispute.
mahesh kumar yadav (Expert) 16 September 2008
This is mahesh kumar yadav Advocate, the conditions to form a trade union is,
1. there must be 7 or more members
2. there should be rules and regulations of the trade union must be registered before the registrar of trade union
4.the employees of trade union will have collective bargaining power to express their rights to employer or managment in a collective manner.
shantilal k. patel (Querist) 17 September 2008
Thanks to all the three advocates who has
given reply.

G. ARAVINTHAN (Expert) 27 September 2008
Thanks Shantilal Sir

Due to your question i have know a new fact today..

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