can a court case be filed for stay orders after completion of interviews-is this notification valid?

Querist :
(Querist) 29 March 2011
This query is : Resolved
Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan, a central autonomous body under the ministry of youth affairs and sports, government of india has issued notification for filling up the posts of District Youth Coordinators -45 posts as special recruitment drive. The notification was issued in November 2010. Post Graduates who were aged below 28 Years, who were selected in the UPSC Examination Final held in 2010 and attended the interviews but not selected alone can apply for it. Interviews were also completed in January 2011 and selection list is compiled. Meanwhile the BOG Meeting of NYKS was held on 27th January 2011 under the chairmanship of Union Minister and has decided to put the NYKS Recruitment Rules(Amended)2010 on hold for further discussions. Earlier this NYKS RR(Amended) 2010 which incorporates provision for special recruitment drive(in the circumstances of exigencies, the government may undertake special recruitment drive to fill up the vacant posts by direct recruitment indicating specific eligibility conditions for such recruitment drive)was put on hold as the BOG Members felt that RR amendments is quite important which cannot be deemed accepted by merely circulation and have to be discussed in full fledged BOG Meeting and accord approval. Now that again the BOG meeting is scheduled in first week of april 2011. IF BOG NOW DECIDES TO APPROVE THE SAME, WILL THE INTERVIEWS HELD EARLIER HOLDS VALID? SINCE RECRUITMENT IS NOT OPEN TO ALL IS IT NOT VIOLATIVE OF PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL JUSTICE? CAN THE ASPIRING UNEMPLOYED YOUTH FILE PUBLIC INTEREST PETITION AND SEEK DIRECTION TO STOP ISSUANCE OF APPOINTMENT ORDERS FOR THEM? ARE THERE ANY JUDGMENTS EARLIER DELIVERED WHICH HAVE RELATION TO THIS SITUATION?
(Expert) 29 March 2011
The Organization which wants to recruit persons to work for it, has every right to decide what would be the eligibility criteria. If such eligibility criteria is that those who cleared UPSC 2010 Exam, but not got finally selected, then that criteria in itself cannot be questioned. What can be questioned, is that if it considers only some persons meeting the criteria and not some others who also meet the same criteria. Further more the organization has every right to scrap the earlier selection list and go for a completely new selection.