house property
Ruchi arya
(Querist) 22 May 2011
This query is : Resolved
My nanaji have 04 daughter and 02 brothers. My mother is also 01 sister out of 04. My nanaji has transfered all property (houses) to my mousiji (elder sister) in 1968 by valid registration process. But all other brother and sister are living in this house from 1968 till date (2011). Now my mousiji want to sell that property to other person. My mother has also been paid rent from 1964 to 1968 and that receipt is kept with my mother. but after 1968 no rent is payed to mousiji or nanaji and one one demand the same. can my mother demand her right in this house property in this situation?
(Expert) 22 May 2011
If your Nanaji had transferred all his property to your mousiji by valid registratin process, then the properties in question will be in the name of your Mousiji.
Just because you people live there, or that you people did not pay any rent to any one, does not mean that anybody can claim any share in the said property. Your mother also cannot demand anything in the property, SINCE SHE HAS NO RIGHT IN THE SAID PROPERTY.