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Private question for public good

Guest (Querist) 08 December 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Can I ask a question online addressed to the Speaker of the LOKSABHA or Chairman of the Rajyasabha when the parliament in session?
Is there any method available to a common man to press for a private bill pending in respect to printing of cost of production along with MRP on any packaged product?
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 08 December 2012
You can do it after being elected to house
R.K Nanda (Expert) 08 December 2012
no, u cannot ask.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 08 December 2012
No! You can not!
ajay sethi (Expert) 08 December 2012
contact some member of Parliament
Guest (Querist) 08 December 2012
What is the constitutional provision for a bill admitted in LOKSABHA as a private bill (bill to make it mandatory for the manufacturers/traders to print cost of manufacturing along with the MRP)but pending for years. Is that bill lapsed?
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 08 December 2012
Read Constitution of India.
Guest (Querist) 08 December 2012
Nice advice thanks.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 08 December 2012
Such right is not available to a common man.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 16 December 2012
u may request ur local MP to ask Q on ur behalf.
Guest (Querist) 16 December 2012
Thanks . I am now trying to contact my Local MP. I think he will certainly response .
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 16 December 2012
Most welcome your appreciation to experts.
Guest (Querist) 16 December 2012
In the Saffron Brigade there are very many experts , very expensive experts but it comes to struggle for power they become Ram Bhakt with irrational arguments, coloured vision and mis-interpretation of the same constitution. So there is possibility experts could go wrong and need not be appreciated as the court jesters.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 16 December 2012
Who have demanded appreciation from you and so far Bhagwa or green brigage is concerned, you need not care. You care for only corrupt armed officials many of whom are already in jails and some by their activities are making grounds to send them in jails.
Guest (Expert) 16 December 2012
Dear Haridas,

I appreciate your super sense in sponoring your query.

Your latest remarks are quite unwarranted from a sensible man like you. Not the case of any brigade, but every person's vision is coloured on one or the other aspect. Everybody has some element of hatred or appreciation for one or the other person or body of persons. You cannot find any case of exception in such visions of human beings. if you think seriously, you also have a coloured vision, as you have brought in to picture the reference of saffron brigade and Ram bhakta, without any context, when nobody here has shown any affiliation to any brigade. Not only that everyone here knows that almost all of your queries had also been studded with your coloured vision revealing some element of grouse or revengeful attitude against one or the other, like army, CSD, bank, gas distributors, and so on.

Even the present questions put by you are of purely academic nature without your having any personal problem discussed over here. Your question should have been rational to some extent and also indicated if you actually have any personal problem pertaining to both the matters referred to by you.

Just suppose, if a publicman is allowed to ask a question online addressed to the Speaker of the LOKSABHA or Chairman of the Rajyasabha when the parliament in session, the speaker or chairman of Loksabha/ Rajyasabha would be flooded with crores of questions each day from individuals out of the 120 Crores of India's public. Just imagine, whether she or he could be supposed to conduct the business of Loksabha or Rajyasabha or should become a million-folds of an ordinary clerk to handle such huge correspondence from the general public. In the democracy system, a system of representation has been made to elect and approach public's representative in the form of MLA's and MPs with the genuine needs of common public to convey their message or needs to the Government.

Second, If a common man is allowed to press for a private bill pending in respect to printing of cost of production along with MRP on any packaged product, the Government can expect millions of bills thronged to their desks according to each individual consumer, manufacturer or trader's need, as every individual would like to get pressed or modified bills according to their individual needs, rather than in the interest of general public. So, can you tell how we can expect your own elected Government to run the democratic system to whatever extent it is running so far? Would not there be an uncivilised, unsystematic and uncontrolled jungle raj.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 16 December 2012
I pay thanks to Ld. Dhingra G for resolving the issue wisefuly.
Guest (Expert) 16 December 2012
You are welcome Makkad ji. I hopefully wish the querist to take hint from my post for his positive approach in future with organisations/ entities, with which he wants to settle his personal problems.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 16 December 2012
It is very amazing that on the one hand this querist is making accusations against the lawyers/experts and on the other hand he is also posting his many unending queries and getting many replies thereto.

I have no expectation that he shall mend his ways except showing roudar roop, as he is fond of it.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 16 December 2012
It is very amazing that on the one hand this querist is making accusations against the lawyers/experts and on the other hand he is also posting his many unending queries and getting many replies thereto.

I have no expectation that he shall mend his ways except showing roudar roop, as he is fond of it.
Guest (Querist) 16 December 2012
It is now my duty to give a response to Sri Dhingra's post as he has beautifully summarised my posts. Parawise :-
"Your latest remarks are quite unwarranted from a sensible man like you. Not the case of any brigade, but every person's vision is coloured on one or the other aspect. Everybody has some element of hatred or appreciation for one or the other person or body of persons. You cannot find any case of exception in such visions of human beings. if you think seriously, you also have a coloured vision, as you have brought in to picture the reference of saffron brigade and Ram bhakta, without any context, when nobody here has shown any affiliation to any brigade."
I accept that to some extent.
"Not only that everyone here knows that almost all of your queries had also been studded with your coloured vision revealing some element of grouse or revengeful attitude against one or the other, like army, CSD, bank, gas distributors, and so on."
I do not accept that as I have always brought out systemic failures and asked for your advice how to bring changes in those areas of concern. Being in the Army for 30 years it is but natural to talk about defects in the system in the larger interest of our next generation.This I consider giving back to the society a system which is less corrupt and ordinarily adorable as Army is the last resort and the hope of the fellow countrymen.
"Even the present questions put by you are of purely academic nature without your having any personal problem discussed over here. Your question should have been rational to some extent and also indicated if you actually have any personal problem pertaining to both the matters referred to by you.
I always believed and never pretended that the experts here are not not to advice junior advocates to help them to win their petty criminal cases. The experts in this site are for larger vision and mission and should think of future and not the present.

Just suppose, if a publicman is allowed to ask a question online addressed to the Speaker of the LOKSABHA or Chairman of the Rajyasabha when the parliament in session, the speaker or chairman of Loksabha/ Rajyasabha would be flooded with crores of questions each day from individuals out of the 120 Crores of India's public. Just imagine, whether she or he could be supposed to conduct the business of Loksabha or Rajyasabha or should become a million-folds of an ordinary clerk to handle such huge correspondence from the general public. In the democracy system, a system of representation has been made to elect and approach public's representative in the form of MLA's and MPs with the genuine needs of common public to convey their message or needs to the Government.

Second, If a common man is allowed to press for a private bill pending in respect to printing of cost of production along with MRP on any packaged product, the Government can expect millions of bills thronged to their desks according to each individual consumer, manufacturer or trader's need, as every individual would like to get pressed or modified bills according to their individual needs, rather than in the interest of general public. So, can you tell how we can expect your own elected Government to run the democratic system to whatever extent it is running so far? Would not there be an uncivilised, unsystematic and uncontrolled jungle raj.
I think the queries from the indv can be routed to the concerned MP even when parliament is in session.
There is a private bill submitted by one of the independent MP from Rajasthan on the issue of printing cost of manufacturing along with MRP on the package of the product. I was told that once admitted in the Rajya Sabha the bill remains alive and can be taken up during any session . I do not know whether it could be done during another tenure of another govt.But it is certainly DO ABLE.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 16 December 2012
As there is no matter of dispute so query should be got regarded as resolved now.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 17 December 2012
This forum is too small for such intelligent person
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 17 December 2012
I do agree with the conclusion of Sudhir.
Guest (Querist) 17 December 2012
So do I . It is all about law of averages..
Guest (Expert) 17 December 2012
Dear Mr. Haridas,

Thanks for clarifications/comments on my reply. I feel your comments require some of my opinion/views, if you like, as follows:

"I do not accept that as I have always brought out systemic failures and asked for your advice how to bring changes in those areas of concern. Being in the Army for 30 years it is but natural to talk about defects in the system in the larger interest of our next generation.This I consider giving back to the society a system which is less corrupt and ordinarily adorable as Army is the last resort and the hope of the fellow countrymen."

No humanly formed system on earth is perfect. Every system has some inherent defects as the organisations are run by human beings, who have their own individual wisdom, vices, interests and prejudices associated with their decisions. But, please don't mind, your approach has been wrong to some extent.

Systemic failures should not always be criticised, which you always do. That needs constructive actions and suggestions. Criticism creates nothing except the elements of ego and stubbornness amongst the people who are at the helm of affairs. Even if you have the most perfect and exceptionally useful suggestion, people at the helm of affair would avoid to adopt that. Moreover, like you, me and every other person, they also consider their own wisdom as superior than others. So, they need to be convinced by logic, not by criticism. They would readily accept the logic if you give them suggestions for improvement, rather than finding faults. To be very frank, in almost all of your posts, I could notice only the sense of finding faults in each and every affairs of the Government, business & trade and the society at large.

Your queries can be valid, but only your, not ours, suggestions would merit for the purpose of improvement in any of those fields, as you personally experienced systemic failure, where others like us cannot imagine what actually was the fault, as based on one-sided reporting. We cannot assume any such thing as fault on one-sided reporting, unless the views of the other parties as well as circumstances behind that are brought to our notice.


I always believed and never pretended that the experts here are not to advice junior advocates to help them to win their petty criminal cases. The experts in this site are for larger vision and mission and should think of future and not the present."

We do, as you think. In fact we don't even know, who the querist is, whether a layman or a lawyer, a pretty junior official/ employee or a Managing Director/ Chief of some organisation. We reply to the best of ability of each one of us based on the extent of our knowledge. But we prefer to solve the personal problem of the querist, not the academic queries, like put to us like a candidate for some exam to pass. To be frank, except your recently posted banking problem, I did not find any such query that pertained to your personal problem. Earlier I used to reply your queries, but thereafter I refrained to touch your queries. As I felt your present query was quite irrational and without application of mind by a sensible person, like you, I could not resist to reply the query. In fact, through your query, you desired the whole system to work outside of the constitutional set up of the Government by flouting all the norms of the Governmental system. DO YOU FEEL THAT NOT ALLOWING A PUBLICMAN TO APPROACH ONLINE THE SPEAKER/ CHHAIRMAN OF THE LOKSABHA/ RAJYASABHA, OR NOT TO ALLOW A PUBLICMAN TO PRESS A PRIVATE BILL ARE THE SYSTEMIC FAILURES?

"I think the queries from the indv can be routed to the concerned MP even when parliament is in session."

Your query did not contain any such view from your side, You just posed a question to the experts without your views on the issue. You just asked about approach to the Speaker/ Chairman of Loksabha/ Rajyasabha, not an MP.

Nobody restrains you to approach your MP even when the Parliament is in session, provided he entertains you out of his busy schedule.

"There is a private bill submitted by one of the independent MP from Rajasthan on the issue of printing cost of manufacturing along with MRP on the package of the product. I was told that once admitted in the Rajya Sabha the bill remains alive and can be taken up during any session . I do not know whether it could be done during another tenure of another govt.But it is certainly DO ABLE."

Again the same thing. Your query did not contain any such view from your side, You just posed a question to the experts without your views on the issue. You just asked about approach to the Speaker/ Chairman of Loksabha/ Rajyasabha, but did not mention about private bill by an independent MP.

If you want answers to your queries about procedures of Loksabha and Rajyasabha, you may better read Rules pertaining to the conduct of business in Loksabha and the Rajya sabha.


Guest (Querist) 17 December 2012
I must thank Sri Dhingra and with humility accept I tend to crticise as I am always searching enemy within and not external.
The issue is at stake and all will join whether the cost of manufacturing be printed along side the cost of MRP on each and every product? The merit for this Act if brought in are enumerated by the My Sri Ahir in his private Bill 2009 and I am producing the link here :
To support the bill I have following to highlight:
A pack of Knorr Chicken Soup costs even after VAT , profit at the CSD (whole seller) and the URCs end (The Retailers)is only Rs 18. You can reduce VAT and profits at both the ends to calculate the sell price of that product to the CSD. And the dealer / manufacturers who are selling products in bulk have their over heads and profits on the cost of manufacturing. This can be guesstimated at appx Rs 5 a pack. Now MRP of the product at which all MALLS and Super Malls are selling is Rs 36. You can well imagine how the system is working always at a disadvantage to the consumers like me & you.
It may not a question which is exclusive for my benefits . I request the experts to advice me if there is some procedures to initiate a move to support that MP , he is not my MP and get the Bill passed as it is still pending and not lapsed.
Guest (Querist) 17 December 2012
to provide for printing of cost of production and maximum retail price of consumer
goods being sold in the market and for matters connected therewith.
BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixtieth Year of the Republic of India as follows:—
1. (1) This Act may be called the Consumer Goods (Mandatory Printing of Cost of
Production and Maximum Retail Price) Act, 2009.
(2) It extends to the whole of India.
(3) It shall apply to all persons involved in marketing or manufacturing of goods based
on either indigenous or imported materials with intention of offering it for sale in the market.
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,—
(a) "appropriate Government" means the Central Government or a State
Government as the case may be;
(b) "consumer goods" means all goods and items brought in the market for sale
and are meant for the use and consumption of the consumers;
(c) "cost of production" means cost incurred directly or indirectly by the
manufacturer in the production of goods;
Guest (Expert) 17 December 2012
Dear Haridas,

You can, if you are so serious, muster strength and support of common public through various national and local newspapers or media to raise the voice, as this forum is accessible by only a negligible population, may even be barely 2% to 5% of the membership strength of the experts of this forum. Still even 1% of the said 5% (0.0005%) of the total number of experts would not be going to buy knorr chicken soup from the malls. Further, almost none of them would have got the opportunity to go to the CSD to avail concesssional facility of the CSD meant for the defence personnel, for the purpose of comparison.

So, virtually, you have knocked a wrong door for support of the bill. Mere waste of time and energy in such matters, where this is none of your personal problems!
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 18 December 2012
Contest election like Arvind kejriwal and get direct power to make rules.
Guest (Querist) 18 December 2012
And why not through LAWYERSCLUBOFINDIA? Do they represent Khas Admi only? And in response to Sri Dhingra :
"So, virtually, you have knocked a wrong door for support of the bill. Mere waste of time and energy in such matters, where this is none of your personal problems!"
I am neither at the wrong door nor wasting anybody's energy. The private Bill already tabled in the Rajya Sabha is not for 2-4% of the CSD canteen visitors but for the entire range and depth of the consumers / customers which include 2 lac strong Lawyersclubofindia members.
Entire opposition including BJP led NDA were seen opposing FDI in Multi-Brand Retails for mere 2-4% of the Indian population and was ready to bring the majority populace elected Congress led UPAII govt at the centre , just for middlemen.
Guest (Expert) 18 December 2012
LCI and its members are not supposed to make public campaign on your behalf. Every person with his personal problem is khas aadmi for us, not a fellow, who merely has a specially coloured vision and thinks as if everything on earth has a systemic failure and even has a strong desire for others also to toe his own lines and also has a desire to run the Government outside the constitutional framework.

Needless to mention, the private Bill already tabled in the Rajya Sabha has no relevance with your query pertaining to direct online contact of the Speaker or the Chairman of Loksabha or Rajyasabha, or for placement of private bills by the public. If the bill has already been placed, let that pass through both the houses of Parliament. Your personal wishes cannot become the voice of the Indian public as a whole, unless you prefer to go openly to the public, instead of merely posting your wishful enquiries at the LCI.


I don't think LCI or any of its members have any authority to get your desired constitutional amendments made from the Government, except to wish good luck for you in your efforts.
Guest (Querist) 18 December 2012
I spk for myself and not on behalf of all LCI members and I'm sure all other LCI members think alike on this core issue. There is nothing between me and only you.I respect your independent views and do expect from others as well. Thanks.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 18 December 2012
I do agree with Mr Dhingra's views.

But I do not agree with his idea or arguing with Mr Mandal. Mr Mandal is intelligent.
Guest (Expert) 18 December 2012
Mr. Hardas,

So far as none of the LCI members, out of 207840 of it members, have endorsed your views even after 10 days of your query. That should have been a clear signal for you to know your stand.
Guest (Querist) 23 December 2012
This is not my stand . One MP has tabled a private bill and that has been admitted in the Rajya sabha. One MP on an average represent 10 lacs of voters in his constituency. Therefore at the least 10 lacS plus one people are supporting the bill. I had requested Experts' views on the issue and not their stand as they stand for the clients irrespective of their stand.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 29 December 2012
Mr. Mandal has also disclosed that all LCI members are subject to benefit of CSD Canteens. This is wrong. There is no such law/rule entitling civilians to avail CSD Canteens.

Second, Rajyasabha member is not elected by general public as he has wrongly or say without knolwdge has claim representing more than 10 lakh electorates.
Guest (Querist) 30 December 2012
@Sri Raj Kumar Makkad--I have never said LCI members are subject to benefits of CSD Canteen. For the second part "There is no such law/rule entitling civilians to avail CSD Canteens"-I have been trying to highlight this issue in a different thread that URCs (Selling CSD goods to civilians (serving as well as retired govt employees of Defence Audit, DRDO, DGQA,---almost entire range and depth of civilians in the min of def and in the home and fin department). Now I do not know what civilians exactly meant by you. Yes LCI members excluding excluding retired service personnel are not eligible to avail CSD facility.
Guest (Querist) 30 December 2012
And on the issue of election of MP of Rajya Sabha I agree with Sri Makkad but it makes my point stronger as he is elected based on the support of more than one MP of the LOKSABHA. Thanks for correction.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 30 December 2012
I am sory to point out again your writing in the following words "I am neither at the wrong door nor wasting anybody's energy. The private Bill already tabled in the Rajya Sabha is not for 2-4% of the CSD canteen visitors but for the entire range and depth of the consumers / customers which include 2 lac strong Lawyersclubofindia members." (read your comments over the comments/reply of Mr. Dhingra).

You have clearly mentioned that the CSD canteens are meant for 2 lakh LCI members and now you are denying it. it is very difficult for anyone to understand you because you refuse at later stage what you wrote earlier. Anyway, make struggle for your cause.
Guest (Querist) 30 December 2012
"but for the entire range and depth of the consumers / customers which include 2 lac strong Lawyersclubofindia members."
The private bill is meant for one and all which includes the members of the LCI who are also customers /consumers(never said of URCs or CSD Canteens).

You need to be the querist or approved LAWyersclub expert to take part in this query .

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