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My query on 6/3/13 and devajyothi barman sir reply

(Querist) 07 March 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Devjyothibarman sir,

Request to see sir my request in that line 11 sir.

B has disposed property to a christian sir

reproduced letter /request here again sir

Namaskar/Good morning sir

This is regarding a query for a property.

My father purchased a property in 1979 .In this property on EAST side is our gate and on WEST side my fathers 2nd sisters son lives (for easy reference let me give name as A . On NORTH side of this property plot my fathers elder sister plot ( for easy reference let me give name as B) and on SOUTH side a neighbor lives .

My father has given 2 cents of this plot to A(west side) , ORALLY and has a compound wall. My father requested B to give 2 cents of her land(north side) and she gave 2 cents ORALLY and on her presence itself compound wall constructed in 1990. B sold her complete land to a Christian on 1991.(B -she is no more living now)

There was a court case in 1992 when on heavy rain compound wall on East side fell down due to a tree of neighbor fell on EAST side and at that time the authorities came for investigation and at that time it was recorded that how much is our property and what all measurements etc and they recorded 2 cents that we got ORALLY from B (still we have that judgment papers where at time how we got 2 cents from B.

My father expired in March 2013.My father has written this property on my name. I want to sell this property to build a home for poor , on records this 2 cents which we got from B and 2 cents which we gave to A is not there as it is done ORALLY.

B is no more living and as i stated earlier has disposed her properties .A is my fathers sisters son ,and 2 cents properties is holding as father has given on fathers sister son ORALLY.He fathers sisters son A also dont have any documentary proof to say how he got this 2 cents from my father

Please guide me how this property can be disposed so as to build a home for poor
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 08 March 2013
If both of you agree than you right now execute the deed of exchange to put the dispute at rest.
Else in the sale deed you need the signature of B's legal heirs.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 08 March 2013
A registered tripartite agreement can also be made as document for this purpose and this shall be least costlier and lease time consuming.

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