Change age in sales deed property registration.
Dillibabu Mohan
(Querist) 26 April 2013
This query is : Resolved
Hi, This is Dillibabu. I bought a flat in Feb 13 but in the sales deed registered my age has updated as 24 instead of 28. I bought this flat through bank loan and now my original registered sales deed with bank. Please advise how i can do the changes in the sales deed. This incorrect age will impact in future or if i sell the flat whether any impact due to incorrect age. I bought the flat getting home loan and the tenure is 20 years. Can i able to get the original document for rectification from Bank or I need to wait till my loan tenure over. How long i have time to do the changes in the documents. also advise whehter we can have other procedure like declaration etc to change the age in the registered document. Please advise.
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 26 April 2013
The age mentioned in the sale deed has nothing to do in future nor make any impact in selling the flat in future.
There is no need to make any changes . However still you feel like than execute deed of rectification/declaration.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 26 April 2013
go for rectification deed.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 27 April 2013
Rectification deed should be got registered in the given facts.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 27 April 2013
not necessary . only in case where there is discrpancy regarding are of your flat , survey no , particulars of sellers or buyers etc would it be necessary to have rectifcation deed . in the present case your age is wronlgy mentioned . it wont impact any future sales made by you in future .