ajay sethi
(Expert) 30 April 2013
adopted son cannot claim any share in his real parents property .
ajay sethi
(Expert) 30 April 2013
adopted son cannot claim any share in his real parents property .
(Expert) 30 April 2013
Has the adoption been formally made and documents registered to that event or if adoption was informal, can that adoption be proved legally?
Adv k . mahesh
(Expert) 30 April 2013
if adoption is legally accepted through court then he cannot claim
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 30 April 2013
agree with experts.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 01 May 2013
adopted son has no right on natural parents property
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 01 May 2013
The law with regard to your query is laid down in section 12 of the Hindu Adoptions And Maintenance Act, 1956 where under the effect of a valid adoption is that child so adopted is treated to have severed all connections from family in which he was born and by fiction of law laid in this section he is treated to have been born in the family he was adopted.
So he can not inherit property of his biological father or mother and can not be treated to even coparcener in that family as his these rights gets transposed in family he was taken in adoption.
However if adopted child owned any property in his name before adoption then he would continue to own the same even after his adoption.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 02 May 2013
I have also the similar opinion as there is no other reply to your question.
(Expert) 02 May 2013
The query was merely of an academic nature, as the querist does not seem to care to give the wanting info.
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