Employee state insurance act
Nitesh kumar jain
(Querist) 10 January 2014
This query is : Resolved
please tell me if an establishment/factory can be registered voluntarily in employee's state insurance act, 1948??
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 11 January 2014
It is mandatory and not voluntary to get the establishment/factory registered.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 11 January 2014
Agree it is mandatory and not voluntarily.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 11 January 2014
Unlike the P.F & M.P Act 1952, the ESI Act does not provide for voluntary coverage at the request of employees and employer.
If there is some recent amendment providing for voluntary coverage then we are not aware and request to provide the same. It shall help everyone.
It is learnt that the Government of Gujarat has extended the applicability of the Act establishments like hotels, restaurants, shops, news paper establishments and road motor transport establishments employing TEN OR MORE PERSONS by notification No.GHR-2012-04-ESI-18-2011-688529-M(3) dated 3rd January 2012.
malipeddi jaggarao
(Expert) 12 January 2014
You can go through the Internet and get the information by browsing the following thread. It will give you all information and clear all your doubts.
Nitesh kumar jain
(Querist) 12 January 2014
Thanks you all for your valuable suggestions.