Current maternity policy for it company in nagpur
Krutika Guhey
(Querist) 27 January 2016
This query is : Resolved
Please let me know the Maternity Policy for IT Company in Nagpur & process to apply for it.
What would be the benefits involved.
Krutika Guhey
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 27 January 2016
IT companies are covered by Shops & Estbs Act and in case of Nagpur (Maharashtra, it is ) Bombay Shops & Estbs Act...............and Maternity Benefit Act shall apply.
You may go thru the Maternity Benefit Act.
The company is liable to display the Act at a conspicuous place say notice Board.
Inform the company about pregnancy and expected date of delivery preferably by letter under proper acknowledgment or atleast by email from personal email id.
Attach Doctors Rx confirming pregnancy and showing expected date of delivery.
The company can offer superior benefits as provided for in the Act but not inferior.....................e.g. 6 weeks paid maternity leave before ( in advance on supply of information) and after delivery (48hours after delivery), bonus,@ maternity benefit in the Act and additional 30days leave if female employee contracts sickness due to pregnancy delivery.......
You may download the Maternity Benefit policy from employee's portal or obtain from HR.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 28 January 2016
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