Can i rejoin in goverment job

Querist :
(Querist) 30 March 2018
This query is : Resolved
Sir... i worked in uttar pradesh police but i forward my resignation letter to higher authority because i was selected in para military force.... i joined para military but due to health problem i resigned from para military in one month and my resignation was approved .... can i join my previous job , my resignation is still not approved

(Expert) 30 March 2018
Meet the concerned Officials in Person along with your Family and your humble pleadings could fetch a Good Result.

(Expert) 30 March 2018
False hopes can't sustain. You may try, as advised by the expert, but the hard fact is that once resigned from a Government job, can't rejoin back. However, if still eligible for Government job, you can try through fresh recruitment for any future vacancies..

(Expert) 30 March 2018
" Your Resignation Not approved Yet " It is very good for you and make your pleadings along with your family members along with an Written Pleadings.

(Expert) 30 March 2018
" Genuine Efforts would fetch Good Results " where the Pessimist would say even by God it will not be done.

(Expert) 30 March 2018
For Every Disciplined Effort there is Multiple rewards - Jim Phon
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 31 March 2018
chances are very bleak. You have no right only mercy of higher officer can result in this manipulation.

(Expert) 31 March 2018
Reinstatement can not be treated or stated as Manipulation.

(Expert) 31 March 2018
Here the querist had clearly Stated His Resignation is still Not approved. also

(Expert) 31 March 2018
Mr Sudhir Kumar could you Please Legally Justify your Statement What is the Manipulation Here Please