Water seepage from adjutant flat

Querist :
(Querist) 03 August 2018
This query is : Resolved
I brought new flat in Bangalore, after 6 months I found the seepage from the wall and the wooden flooring of the master bed room is damaged. Builder had replaced the flooring after lots of follow up and pain and I had to beer the cost painting of walls, refittment of the other materials . Builder said the leakage was from adjutant flat's bathroom and it has been rectified and assured that there won't be such problems in future . After 6 months again the seepage is started, I wanted to know how can I make legal complaint with the right platform.

Querist :
(Querist) 03 August 2018
Awaiting for the best legal opinions

Querist :
(Querist) 04 August 2018
Is there a way to approach the customer forum.

(Expert) 05 August 2018
Customer forum? There is nothing called as customer forum. I agree with Kamakshi gaarus advice.
This matter should be solved by mutual understanding. Approaching court wont solve your problem. In court you will get date, the more petitions and arzis you file the court will give some more dates. I have been seeing this since I was a kid, Now I myself am lawyer still things have not changed.
You should be talking about consumer forum. Those forums are no good, they were formed to give relief, but these days they are pimp addas. If you so wish move your case in consumer forum catch hold of some attender or office fellow and get things your way.. The president wont even see photos or videos which you give. He wont visit your flat to see sepage. Repair of celiing consumer ocurt cant do. It can order for refund, but for that you will have to go till NCDRC. Appeal appeal and one day you might get justice but what if the ceiling falls? Ultimately you have to protect your own head and life, consumer court or any other court wont come to your rescue and prevent the ceiling ffrom falling.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 06 August 2018
Yes you can go to consumer forum
yes you can also file civil suit.
But it is time consuming.
Do not expect offending flat owner to at all help you. He may at the most (reluctantly) allow you to get his lines repaired at your cost. Or may not even allow saying that he has purchased rare tiles which are now not available in market.