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Maharashtra property act

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 01 September 2018 This query is : Resolved 
Q1. Why an interim declaration under the maharashtra ownership act doens't have the same effect as a final declaration?

Q2. What the undivided interest in the property apply to? (in Maharashtra)

Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 02 September 2018
Bad question paper set by an anonymous author.
Is it not abuse of this platform?
Kumar Doab (Expert) 02 September 2018
Pls don’t post as AQ and post with your ID and you can get many responses.
Your ID does not mean your email id or phone number etc and don’t post these.
Before attaching any document erase all names, logo, email id, phone number, address etc to maintain confidentiality.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 02 September 2018

You mat redraft the query so as to convey a clear message.
You may discuss with a very able LOCAL counsel of unshakable repute and integrity specializing in concerned field of law e.g; Society/Civil matters as in your case, and well versed with LOCAL applicable rules/personal laws, precedence, latest judgments etc …. and worth his/her salt, and your counsel can advise you after examining all docs, evidences on record ..
There are such very able counsels at each location.
Check for such counsels at LOCAL O/o registrar, Co-Op court, Civil courts, HC, SC…

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