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(Querist) 11 November 2018 This query is : Resolved 
My husband filled rcr to prove e is gud...but i dont want to live with him.e as harressed me to speak in the counselling
Guest (Expert) 11 November 2018
Even in the Case of Husband and Wife if there is no willingness Legally no body could be forced to live together . Better convince your husband and file Mutual Consent Divorce which could be completed in 6 month maximum.. If not you could proceed with your Divorce Suit with the help of your Advocate.. In Counselling you could disclose the facts of harassment and confirm your decision of do not prefer to live together please.
Isaac Gabriel (Expert) 11 November 2018
Did you file divorce? If you are firm, avoid councelng and proceed with the divorce.
Guest (Expert) 12 November 2018
Attending the Counselling and Confirming your Decision would save Time in completing the Legal Battle of Divorce please.
Kalpana (Querist) 12 November 2018
Divorce suit is filled by me under cruelty
Guest (Expert) 12 November 2018
No harm and Discuss with your Advocate or else you could approach " Women's Free Legal Aid Forum " in the Concerned Court.. Attend all the court hearings promptly to ensure the completion of case at the earliest and also try to submit all the proofs of your husband's income to claim maintenance and you had not informed any thing about your children.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 13 November 2018
1. Use SMS lnug s u hv usd hr so d no 1 udrstnd.
2. Dn't atnd.
Bad language, manners and contents of post, it's ridiculous.
Adv. Yogen Kakade (Expert) 13 November 2018
Currently with respect to counselling in the rcr case, it is advisable for you to appear before the counselor and mention the full facts and mention you final decision. And remember that no one can force to live with him.
Guest (Expert) 13 November 2018
As requested you have not posted about children. If you have child or children you should take efforts and live with your husband at least for the sake of children. You could mention his faults in the counselling it self and take an undertaking from your husband that all his bad activities with you will not be repeated . In Divorce case the ultimate sufferers would be only the children in the long run please.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 13 November 2018
Apex Court has decided; Wife not a chattel, husband can’t force her to live with him
You can submit your version to court in RCR matter and also in mediation, if advised by court.
Your own LOCAL counsel can advise you the best on the matter and you may preferably act under expert advice of your counsel.
The expert advise of a expert LOCAL counsel can fetch you (querist/affected spouse) desired relief in accordance with provisions of law/precedence's..

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