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Non payment of full salary # and other issues

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 15 July 2020 This query is : Resolved 
Sir/Madam, I am working as a senior level manager for a company at Bangalore plant, having registered office in Mumbai, Originally I was posted at Chennai at one of their group company in Jan 2014. Every one from Chennai plant left or settled and now only security staffs are avl. I offered to quit in July 2019 and MD asked me to stay and they are having plan to revive the business and planning to start another green filed project. I was transferred to BLR Group company on 1.9.2019.The same day the board passed a resolution and resolved to depute to Chennai plant and once again designated authorized signatory. I had to take care of all activities covering all departments, statutory requirements / audits, Banks, Customer, Supplier, ex employees and all other stakeholders requirements / Queries / Doc / records / court cases / legal issues for last 3-4 years activities and working on few orders on hand and send techno commercial offers to customers / current compliance on time because company is not closed yet and not liquidated. During lock down and unlock period too obtained TNePASS and visited few times to factory and besides visiting others OD, working from home and making work diary and send by email on daily basis.Salary is being paid from BLR plant. During lock down, Apr May and June 20 salary paid was only 50% of Basic and HRA only despite sending attendance with work diary details. EPF was transferred BLR acccount under same UAN but PF statement are not reflecting. Asking details of Group medical insurance policy details but not received.HR is not clear on Gratuity payment or will be carry forward. HR is not responding at all for anything. Pls advise on a) How to get pending salary b) Group mediclaim policy c) Gratuity d)PF.I am ready to quit post COVID 19 Lock down and my notice period is 3 months. Please advise
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 16 July 2020
Be brief and specific for your story vis-a-vis your query.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 16 July 2020
Some of the companies are not paying / paying discounted salary for the lockdown period.
Write to the paying company to pay full salary. If want to quit obtain F & F under protest and file claim for the balance. May move to court for balance.
Group Mediclaim policy if part of appointment terms can not be stopped unilaterally. Take up with the company.
After resignation, claim your gratuity and PF as per law in force.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 16 July 2020
Thanks a lot Mr Rajendra
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 16 July 2020
You are welcome, may revert in case of question on the query.

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