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What should i do?

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 01 February 2024 This query is : Resolved 
Respected experts,
I have a plot of land which I wanted to sell. A buyer approached me and we had talked abut selling. A few days later he came and paid an amount in cash as booking. After that de didn't contacted me for a few months. Therefore I enquired about him in his locality. The people have told me that the person is a dalal and dishonest. I therefore called him up and told him that I am not selling the plot to him and asked him to take the money back.
But he told me that he only will buy the plot and will not take the money back.
He insisted that we should execute a Sale Agreement with him but I am afraid that by doing that I will fall in a trap.
Kindly advise what should I do now. I want to return his money back.
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 01 February 2024
You amicably convince him that you are not now selling the plot and repay the amount taken through a bank check. If he still refuses, consult a local lawyer and legally deposit the amount you have taken as an advance in a civil court.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 09 February 2024
It was on an oral agreement that he had given the token money, hence you clearly state that you are not willing to sell the proeprty, if he is interested let him collect his money back.
If he still creates problem, you may give a police complaint against him.

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