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Difference between Acts

(Querist) 05 April 2008 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Sirs,

I would appreicte if you'all can let me know what are the differences between the folowing Acts listed below:

1. Payement of wages act and minimum wages act.

Kindly respond.

H. S. Thukral (Expert) 07 April 2008
Payment of Wages Act is all about responsibility of payment/time of payment/deductions /recovery of advances claims/Powers and responsibility of authorities under the Act etc. Minimum Wages Act is about fixing and revising of Minimum Wages payble in any vocation for different set of employees i.e skilled /semi-skilled/graduate/undergraduate etc Fixing wage hours and period of work and authorities for enforcement of Act and appeal thereunder.
jagdish (Querist) 10 April 2008
Dear Mr. Thukral,

Thanks for your reply
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 17 October 2009

Sec 1(4)It applies in the first instance to the payment of wages to persons employed in any [factory, to persons] employed (otherwise than in a factory) upon any railway by a railway administration or, either directly or through a sub contractor, by a person fulfilling a contract with a railway administration, 6[and to persons employed in an industrial or other establishment specified in sub-clauses (a) to (g) of clause (ii) of section 2.]
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 17 October 2009
The Minimum Wages Act 1948

Sec 3. Fixing of minimum rates of wages - (1) The appropriate government shall in the manner hereinafter provided -
(a) fix the minimum rates of wages payable to employees employed in an employment specified in Part I or Part II of the Schedule and in an employment added to either Party by notification under section 27.
(b) review at such intervals as it may think fit such intervals not exceeding five years the minimum rates of wages so fixed and revise the minimum rates if necessary.

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