recovery of illegally occuppied land-prevelege for employees of Atomic Energy and Defence services

Querist :
(Querist) 29 January 2011
This query is : Resolved
Dear sir
I retired recently after serving in the Department of Atomic Energy for over 35 years. My job kept me away from landed property in Andhra Pradesh,and the same was being managed by my younger brother. My younger brother sold his share of the property to a company,which has duped lot of people and is now under official liquidation.The promoter of the company is in illegal occupation of my land which is adjacent to that of my brother. All the records show that the Company has bought only my younger brother's share, and is illegally occupying my land also, and are not vacating the same.
What should I do to get back my land?
Knowing the way the courts work, and the enormous clout of the Occupier, I am unable to take the next step.
I understand that there are special provisions in the Atomic Energy Act and The Defence services Act to enable them to recover possession of properties illegally occupied/ withheld by land shorks etc.
Please enlighten me in the matter.