Need advice
(Querist) 18 January 2013
This query is : Resolved
We were organizing and event, where in the people working internally with us were plotting against us and we didnt understand as they were like our friends. we took all the licence required to organize the event as well as paid in advance to all vendors etc, they were no artist because members from our group were the upcoming artist etc,so they themselevs were suppose to perform. but on the day of the event everyone who was involved to make this event vanished by switching off the mobiles etc. the crowd was howling and didnt allow us to see what went wrong where. then we had to call for the police, but than listen to us they moved the crowd out and took our car and left us alone at the venue. next morning we went to the ps to file a complain as to what happen to us,so the CI of that police station told us to go home and switch off our mobiles that our clients were aware off and told us to give him an alternate number, but we refused to switch off our mobiles and told we shall wait no matter how long will it take the CI to come to station. because switching off our mobiles would be that we are defaulters. when the CI came in the ps after 1hr, he didnt bothered to listen to us and some boys who were our clients and who we were talking to help us in this matter, the CI called them in and told them to file an FIR on us of 403,406 and 420. and inspite telling the CI that these clients are our people, we know them and we will refund they ticket money but help us catch the ones who have put us in trouble. so the CI tells you are not the local people so dont blame the local people. the complain has to be filed against you since your not local and sent us back home telling us to switch off the mobiles but we didnt listen to him and kept the mobiles on. then due to emergenancy we had to switch off our mobiles but we are in touch with our clients through mails assuring them that they will get the money back. we sold only few tickets in hand to selective people, and we had a sponsor who sold maxium number of tickets, the money that was collected by us went in for the permissions etc and then to the vendors advance. the main person to plan about this event had the entire authority to take decision etc because he was bringing the sponsors etc, so all the payments he use to say give it in cash as these people are local and they dont deal with cheques etc. the main person to plot against us has vanished since the time of the event. we need help, we dont know what to do and who to go. we have appointed a criminal lawyer to get anticipatory bail for us but he has still not been able to bring its been 15days and is prolonging saying due to sanskranti etc. now how should be prove our selfs, we want even the media to come in because my company is a very old and a known company. I am suffering for Neurofibromases in the brains and my doctors had adviced me not to take stress. but as am not able to reach the right people am dying with in. I need social media, print media and electronic media help that when a women is involved in a false case how nobody wants to help but to extort money. My family background as well as my background is clean. I have no dirty habbits such like smoking, drinking, fashion or anything,am just a simple girl who wants to work hard and stand on her own feet. I need justice please help and advice right median
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 18 January 2013
It seems no case has been lodged against you till day so the question of anticipatory bail do not arise. You should file a criminal case against that person who vanished your programme and also against the person who took your money and didn't perform. This can be done through local judicial magistrate by filing a criminal complaint with application under section 156 (3) Criminal Procedure Code.
(Querist) 18 January 2013
Respected Sir, the CI of PS took a complain against 4 people thats me, my brother and my family friend along with that guy who cheated us. The FIR was sent to the court, but the police were only targeting me as on the police permission letter my sign was there, and secondly I didnt draft that letter, it was draft by the culprit who plotted against us. he told me if I dont sign on the papers we wont get the approval for doing the event and even if we get they will harash us at the venue, so to avoid complication he made me sign the papers.
Secondly outside the court in fornt of our lawyer we gave the first clients money that they had paid in our hand, the remaining money they paid to the run away guy we didnt pay and they told they want to take the case back and that they were forced to file an fir. but then our lawyer found out that the FiR which was in the court before is not there and is missing, and an annonumous fir which is not present in the court is there is some far off area ps. for which the judge couldnt approve the antibail. also we are getting to hear that the case has gone in the hands of CID, am not knowing whats happening. I only know I want justice because I was framed.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 18 January 2013
You need not to be worry until and unless police personally calls all of you to face the arrest etc.
(Querist) 18 January 2013
They have been calling and we have been avoiding, my daddy is a respectable man and has spoken to the DGP who has passed the order of no arrest as well the commissioner of police has told to solve the matter in our favor and so has the Vigilance department officer are also involved in holding back the arrest and settling the matter. but our lawyer is telling us not to trust them and not to come infornt until the anticipatory bail has been issued coz we have to take back nearly 8lakhs from the person who sold our tickets then another 3 lakhs from all those vendors and our team who cheated us and ran away.
And after this is solve I want strick punishment for the ones who brought this shame to me and my respected family. I dont want that tomorrow another person is treated this way and put to jail for no rhyme or reason. I want to create this aware after my case is solved.
I dont understand when the forth accused is roaming freely why is the police not catching him? why are they behind me only. my event budget was a low profile budget 6lac we must have made in whole 11lakhs from which 3 lakhs was collected bus us and remaining from the stall where tickets were being sold. so how can the police file a false complain that we made 30lac. when the project report of the event was between 4-5lakh.
what is your opion in this case and how should i now go about. lawyer is telling on 22nd my antibail shall be granted and after that face the police
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 18 January 2013
Believe upon your lawyer only and he is right in his approach.
(Querist) 18 January 2013
Thank You Sir, for your support and help. Last question do you think can a CID be involved to solve this small entertainment matter, wherein they was no loss or calamities to the guest but to the event organizers & the support which was required by the CI of PS failed.
I respect your advice, it they is some more key points that can help me solve my case please let me know, I shall be great-full to you.
May God Bless you and give you abundance of strength and knowledge to help people especially girls like me to be strong.