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can before partion a coprtioner sold their immoveable property

(Querist) 18 July 2008 This query is : Resolved 
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OBC Reservations - Supreme Court Verdict « The Great Indian Mutiny Says:

March 29, 2007 at 8:10 pm

[...] I personally see this as being a good thing in the light of the recent developments. This means that govt will have to first do a study to identify the OBCs and then come up with a proposal. Such a thing is absolutely necessary for a program of this magnitude. As in the past the legislature could have legislated against such a decision and put it in the ninth schedule. But the supreme court recently ruled that anything placed in the ninth schedule is also subject to review. [...]

OBC Reservations - Supreme Court Verdict « Polite Indian Says:
March 30, 2007 at 4:56 am
[...] violent?Piyush on AboutOBC Reservations - Supreme Court Verdict « The Great Indian Mutiny on Ninth Schedule VerdictPolite Indian on Is Islam violent?Polite Indian on Is Islam violent?Polite Indian on Uniform Civil [...]

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Date ............................

Shri ..........................
Editor and Publisher

Dear Sir,

Under instructions from my client Shri A, etc. of ..................... I hereby state as under:

In your newspaper ....................... of the ............ 19 ...... you have published an article .......................... in which you have made the following defamatory remarks about the said Shri A.

The said Shri ....................... is a respectable man of the society.

The remarks made in the newspaper about the said Shri ................ are false, baseless, highly defamatory of the said Shri ...................... and made with the intention to defame the said Shri ..................... and the said Shri ....................... has suffered in his reputation and has been lowered in the estimation of his friends and the general public.

I hereby give you notice to pay a sum of Rs. ....................... to the said Shri A as damages and publish an unqualified apology prominently in your newspaper within ....................... days from the receipt of this notice.

I hereby give you notice that if you fail to comply with this notice, I will initiate legal proceedings either to prosecute you in a criminal court for defamation or to sue you
arunprakaash.m. (Expert) 18 July 2008
Yes a coparcener can sell his interest in the coparcenay property before partition.
Anil Kumar kamboj Delhi M-9650 (Querist) 19 July 2008

i have filed a suit for partition .But a coprcerner who had a more share as he got .That is why to get my equal share from such person i have filed a suit for partition . And now he wanted to sold his share ,so pls suggest me what type of action i could taken against him ,so that i could prevent him to do so. And he is also taken more share as he actual obatianed.

sir an expert tell me yes


but to achieve my share as a legal part which also conected with this sold property, so tell me pls what kind of action i can taken against him


In any opinion, can i entitled to a temporary injunction restraining the other coparcener from disposing of the property during the pendency of the suit.

because still a suit for partition is panding
KamalNayanSaxena (Expert) 19 July 2008
In any opinion, you would be entitled to a temporary injunction restraining the other coparcener from disposing of the property during the pendency of the suit.

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