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Parking in chs

(Querist) 22 August 2011 This query is : Resolved 
Ours is a CHS with 240 flats without conveyance from builder.

Society is in a square shape with large garden in middle with jogging track.

Chairman wants to remove jogging track and make paid car parking facility.

He wants to cut the trees along the jogging track in order to accomodoate parking.

He wants to make 20 car parking slots and wants to charge Rs.5000/- yearly per slot amount in cash and without receipt. Is this possible. I feel it is tottaly illegal kindly advice.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 22 August 2011
First check whether the Rules and Regulations of the Society empower the Chairman or the Managing Committee to do that which is very unlikely.
If not then immediately lodge complaint with the Additional Registrar of the Societies of your locality.
Alternatively you could also file a suit and pray for injunction.
ajay sethi (Expert) 22 August 2011
no he cannot do so .area reserved for playground wherein trees have been planted cannot be removed by the chairman .

1) has the issue been discussed in AGM ?
2) was it on the agenda?
3) was any resolution passed ?
4) was permission obtained from muncipal authorities /
5) whether permission obtained for cutting of trees ?

to my mind chairman is acting in an arbitrary manner . lodge complaint with Registrar of cooperative societies
prabhakar singh (Expert) 22 August 2011
i agree with experts.
Chanchal Nag Chowdhury (Expert) 22 August 2011
Illegal. File a complaint with the Registrar, CHS.

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