How to find ancestral or self purchase

Querist :
(Querist) 29 August 2011
This query is : Resolved
Sir, Please guide me..
How to find the Agri Land is it Ancestral or purchased by self earned money.
Properties Last 50 years No change on the Owner ship.. Grand father died in the year of 1943 after that my father not changed the name on the records, & my father also died in the year of 1970's,
I can't able to find who is the Buyer of this properties,
If any partition taken place verbal between grand father and then my aunt ( i.e, my father's sister ) also I can't find any records, ( Grand father have 3 brothers all passed away ),
My only aunt now alive, and she use to tell me that time all happen's orally,
Currently if some one demanding share the properties saying that it is Ancestral properties, ( I don't have records to prove that my grand father purchased ),
In this case how to move forward, pl. guide. Thanks,

Querist :
(Querist) 29 August 2011
When I applied EC from the Register office for last 50 years, It is showing nothing.. Properties title now on my mother's name, My mother currently alive,..
(Expert) 29 August 2011
What are the documents related to the property that you have? On going through one will be able to find out.
Dr Anil Kumar Singh
(Expert) 29 August 2011
The property records in Tehsil have records prior to the present owner. get them It will contain name of previous owner.
Dr Anil Kumar Singh
(Expert) 29 August 2011
It will also be recorded hoe your grandfather acquired the land which is also endorsed in the records.
M.Sheik Mohammed Ali
(Expert) 29 August 2011
yes, you must mentioned what are the documents you have .

Querist :
(Querist) 29 August 2011
Sir, My mother have only Patta Book, it shows the properties on her name, It is saying that on " Vazimurianthu" it means on succession.,
One more document : my grandfather take Rs.5000 by pledging all the properties, by proper registered stamp paper, after pledging he passed away and my father also passed away, stamp paper Pledge registered document is the registered copy, during 1972, after my father passed away, My mother's father help & replay the money and get the pledged document's back, just hand note on the back side the pledged stamp paper, and also it is back dated,
so that the properties transferred on my Mother's name.
All the way my mother use to cultivate and use the land since last 40 years..
Dr Anil Kumar Singh
(Expert) 29 August 2011
From your above version it is clear that it is ancestral land acquired by your grand father. The legal heirs of your grand father are eligible for their share if they claim so.

(Expert) 29 August 2011
I come to conclusion from your question and reply it is ancestral property.

Querist :
(Querist) 30 August 2011
Thanks for your guidance, It mean's my Aunt ( my father's sister ) & her son's can still claim from my mother now..?, What kind of Law passed, Currently my Aunt and her son's staying in the same village but they don't indent to demand any thing from my mother.. : but from my own family have some issues, calling this is Ancestral properties and demanding & trouble creating. what I suppose to do.. ?
Sailesh Kumar Shah
(Expert) 30 August 2011
yes, agreed with mr. Raj kumar makkad that property is ancestral in your hand.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 30 August 2011
Even if your aunt is not pressing then also she is legally share holder. it is better to obtain registered relinquishment deed from her in your favour and the claim of you coparcener is valid and rightful.

(Expert) 30 August 2011
I agree with the views of Shri Raj Kumar Makkad ji.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 30 August 2011
Expert : raj kumar makkad has rightly opined with valuable suggestions to you.

Querist :
(Querist) 30 August 2011
Sir, If the Aunt get married before 1956, and my father applied the got the original transfer of owner's : because my grand father died around 1945, in the Year 1950's My Aunt get married, so in that case what happen's.., It seems there are some land's given to my Aunt then my father got transfered to his name.
When my father passed away, then it is again transferred to my mother,..