Civil suit
(Querist) 08 April 2013
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir,
In a sunni family, partition took place for fathers property in 1976
among his childrens.,
In a particular fathers property, For which we have the registration
paper of 1959 for a land in Survey no.16(24 acres) which the father has
purchased from a farmer in 1959,
From 1959 to 1975 revenue records(RTC) is showing 24 acres of land in
the name of my father till 1975.
After death of father in 1975, In the year 1976 partioned happened
between brothers and sister for fathers property, As per partition
deed which is registered in 1976 , One of my brother got this survey
no 16 land to his share but only extent of 20 acres the other 4 acres
missed out as nobody was knowing about excess land at that time in
survey no 16, then in 1977 brother colluded with revenue authorities
and as per partition deed even though he was entitled for 20 acres
only, he changed the ownership of 24 acres of land to his name by
bribing the revenue authorities, as can be seen in 1977-78 RTC it is
showing brothers name and extent is 24 acres, then when he sold the
land in 1995 he converted the whole 24 acres of land to abadi land and
sold to the builder. But builder will not purchase the land by seeing
the RTC (pani copy) he will surely ask for the registered deed and
builder has sure come to know that only 20 acres is registered to
brother not 24 acres and then also he has proceeded to buy the land
from brother in 1995.
Details in brief
In Revenue records from 1959 to --1975--Land is in fathers name extent 24 Acres.
In 1976 partition happened brother got only 20 acres to his share,
somehow 4 acres missed out.
But in 1977, brother has changed ownership of whole 24 acres of land
to his name instead of 20 acres by bribing the authorities without
taking signatures from other brothers and sisters.
In 1995 brother sold the 24 acres of land to the builder after
coverting 24 acres land from revenue to abadi.
How the builder can purchase the land without seeing the previous
register /sale deed / transaction on that survey no 16. Builder has
the knowledge that brother was entitled for only 20 acres of land even
though he has purchased the land.
We had no kowledge of excess land till now which brother had illegally added to his name in revenue records in 1977-78 and sold the land by converting it into abadi in 1995, CAn we file a civil suit now after 18 years against builder and brother (died survived by son) whether the suit bar by limitation
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 08 April 2013
contact local lawyer.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 08 April 2013
Thread badalne se answer nahee badlega.
Be kind to us.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 08 April 2013
This is repeated query which has already been duly replied.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 08 April 2013
It is repeated dada!
Why you pose doubt.
i have attended it at length .
(Querist) 08 April 2013
Dear Sir, Not able to gather data and put in correct order and old thread had become quite lengthy, hence put in new thread...
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 08 April 2013
It is not good to opt new one rather beter to post in the same thread.