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From bc-a caste and from hindu religion converting to christianty

(Querist) 22 July 2013 This query is : Resolved 
if a person converting from hindu to christianty .
1) by converting will he loose reservation
2) by converting will he loose caste
3) by converting his caste certificate will be change
4) if not is any act or law to convert his certificate
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 22 July 2013
1) by converting will he loose reservation

Ans : yes in case of SC reservation will be denied in all cases if converting to any religion other than hindu/sikh/buddhist. In case of ST/OBC it depends upon the community he belongs

2) by converting will he loose caste

Ans : Yes. caste status is lost if converted to any religion other than hindu/sikh/buddhist

3) by converting his caste certificate will be change

4) if not is any act or law to convert his certificate.

Ans : No it will be cancelled. If retained after convertion any religion other than hindu/sikh/buddhist then it will be a fraud liable to be jailed.
Adv Archana Deshmukh (Expert) 22 July 2013
On converting into christianity he will lose his caste and caste certificate also.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 29 July 2013
After conversion of religion one loose his caste and cast certificate.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 06 August 2013
The reservation is applicable only for the Hindus on caste basis and on adoption of Christianity, such person shall lose all his rights as such.

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