PF member to withdraw his dues from trust of company
Suresh C Mishra
(Querist) 11 October 2009
This query is : Resolved
sir my cleint has been retired on 1 jan,2009 but till today No fund amount has been given to him in spite of his complaint to RPFC ? What I can do to get it very soon ? He is seriously ill ? need money urgent ? Company runs provident fund trust ? Is any remedy against him in HCfor getting direction agaisnt trust?
(Expert) 11 October 2009
Off course, Issue a request letter to the company as well as the company's trust stating the geniun resons as to the facts, contact the company seceratry as to the duration of the release of PF, if the durations limit is crossed, then consult the local advocate, n can try for HC or even forum.
Sachin Bhatia
(Expert) 11 October 2009
Send a demand notice to the company secretary and also send a copy of that to the company's trust.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 12 October 2009
it is now a criminal offence to retain PF money of the employee after one month of application moved by a retired subscriber so a criminal complaint can also be lodged against trustees of the company in their individual capacity as well as in their official capacity apart from civil suit for manadatory injunction or writ.
(Expert) 12 October 2009
With due respect to the advice rendered my friends, Your necessity is to get PF amount immediately and hence my advice is:
1. Issue demand notice to the company, PF Department and also labour department and file a writ petition making all of them as respondents. If you make the company only as a respondent, writ is not maintainable.
Private crimminal complaint takes lot of time and does not serve your purpose.
(Expert) 13 October 2009
Rightly advised by Mr. Prabhakar also.
Suresh C Mishra
(Querist) 08 November 2009
Thanks Mr Prabhaker I have done on your advice and filed a wp in Lko HC.