Criteria of obc category
(Querist) 28 January 2014
This query is : Resolved
I would like to know that what is the criteria of exclusion of obc certificate due to creamy layer to a candidate. What is the meaning of Annual Income. and whose annual income is included in it. If the candidate women and is married then is her husband's annual income is included or not.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 28 January 2014
the objective being to help the poor and needy . if you are doing well in life you dont need the tag of OBC . the creamy layer bars the affluent among OBCs from reservation benefit on the basis of family income. The layer ensures that the benefits reach the deserving people, who need them, rather than the ones who are financially and socially well off.
OBCs with annual salary up to Rs 6 lakh would now be eligible for job quotas
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 28 January 2014
Following are covered under Creamy layer of OBC Quota
(I) V.V.I.Ps.- President, Vice-President, Judges of the Supreme Court and of the High Courts etc.
(II) Government or PSU employees of Central or State-
(i) parents, either of whom is a Class I officer (direct recruits)
(ii) parents, both of whom are Class II officers (direct recruits)
(iii) parents of whom only the father is a direct Class II officer and he gets into Class I at the age of 40 or earlier.
(III) In military, parents, either of whom is in the rank of Colonel and above.
(IV) Persons engaged in Profession, Trade and Industry whose last three-year’s separate annual income is more then Rs. 6.00 lakhs per year.
(V) Families owns agriculture land having (i) ‘irrigated land’, more than 85% of the statutory ceiling area or (ii) The rule of exclusion will not apply if the land holding of a family is exclusively unirrigated.
(VI) Persons having separate gross annual income of Rs. 6.00 lakhs per year or above for a period of last three consecutive years excluding income from salaries & agricultural land.
Advocate. Arunagiri
(Expert) 28 January 2014
Mr.Goyal, had cleared all the doubts of the querist, Untill and unless he raises a fresh additional query.