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Legal heir of property

(Querist) 11 April 2015 This query is : Resolved 
1).X (Hindu) was an owner of a property(by own contribution),he had 6 sons & daughters i.e. A,B,C,D,E,F(all r hindu).
2).X gifted his entire property only to his eldest son A,G was A's wife,A&G had no issue/child.
3).’A’ died 1st in the year 1995, after that his wife ‘G’ died in the year 2000.
'G' have brother,sister,relatives on her side.
(all r hindu)
Query is=
•Now whether B,C,D,E,F will be the legal heir/have they any legal right for their eldest brother 'A's above said property after 'G's-(wife of A)death?
•Or the right/title of the property will be transfer to the ‘G’s family side (mother/father side)?
•Who can claim the right of the property?
Would u Plz guide who will b the present owner/claimant for X's property and why according to law?
M/s. Y-not legal services (Expert) 11 April 2015
what is the religion of A and G?

and G's mother/father/brother/sister anybody alive?

please make it clear..
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 11 April 2015
If class I heirs of the deceased are not alive, property would pass to the class II heirs as per Hindu succession Act.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 12 April 2015
Since this property was acquired by G through her husband's side, the property will devolve on her husband side heirs.
ashis talukder (Querist) 12 April 2015
plz guide whether 'A's wife i.e. 'G's brother/sister can claim after 'G's death? or 'A's brother/sister can claim after 'G's death?'G' died after 'A' on d yr-2000.


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