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Related to bank operations

(Querist) 19 July 2008 This query is : Resolved 
My father is a senior citizen aged about 80 years. His pension account is held at SBI in Dindigul – Main branch. Due to his health conditions, presently he is staying with me in Chennai.

He was in need of a DD to close a Jewel Lone availed by my diseased mother. As he is staying in Chennai, I called SBI help line 1800-180-1290 to check whether it is possible to draw a DD at a non-home location with a withdrawal slip. The executive who answered my call replied that it is possible to draw a DD at a non-home location through withdrawal slip subject to a maximum of Rs.50,000/- per day.

Based on the information, we (I and my father) approached SBI’s Mylapore, Chennai branch and forwarded a DD request form along with a withdrawal slip for Rs.44,000/-. The employee at the counter informed us that it is not possible to issue DD at non-bank branch through withdrawal slip and insisted on a cheque. As my father has not opted for an account with cheque operation, he did not have any cheque with him. I informed the same to the clerk and she referred me to the Branch Manager who told me the same. I requested him to give it in writing and he refused to do so.

Hence, I approached the Assistant General Manager who was available in the branch and insisted on giving the reason for turning down my request, in writing. Then she referred me to the BM, and finally the BM gave in writing that "withdrawal not permitted at non-home location with withdrawal slip." In the note, he had added another reason as “passbook not given.” When I told him that he never asked for the passbook and shown my father’s passbook to him. Then he struck-off the second reason, counter signed the note and gave it back to me.

At this juncture, I would like to know whether it is possible or not, to draw a DD, for a sum of Rs.44,000/-, at a non-home branch – Mylapore, Chennai – through a withdrawal slip in SBI.

I also asked them for any other possibility of drawing a DD and was told that none available.
Guest (Expert) 19 July 2008
SBI is leading Bank and their staff usually stick to the rules framed. They are very different from private banks where many things are made easy.

I also bank with SBI, I donot think it is possible, you instead withdraw cash from the ATM card given to you and buy the DD. Why not try that.

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