Property documents

Querist :
(Querist) 02 April 2018
This query is : Resolved
Sir I have taken a loan from HDFC Ltd for buying a house. All the Loan granting agencies get the titles checked thru their lawyers. In case in future something goes wrong will i be able to stop repaying the loan legally. Or once taken loan I can be forced to pay the loan amount.
(Expert) 02 April 2018
As a buyer of the property, IT IS YOU, who are responsible to check everything. Only then you have to go for the purchase.
What Bank does is for its benefit. NOT FOR YOU.
Since you are the borrower of the loan, you are liable to the Bank for repayment of the loan. If anything is wrong with the property, you only are responsible and not the Bank.
Therefore, better check up thoroughly, even if you have to incur some money, about the soundness of the property which you propose to buy.

(Expert) 02 April 2018
In Later stage if documents were found fabricated or fake you could be behind the bars besides settling the loan with interest and penal interest.

Querist :
(Querist) 03 April 2018
Sir Mr sudhir Kumar. In case the HDFC Ltd fails in his duty and does not check the title of the property correctly. I am I going to held responsible to repay the loan given by them Inspite of the fact that property has gone into litigation