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Tdr forcible taken with my father ,how to cancel that read

(Querist) 29 January 2019 This query is : Resolved 
Hi All,

In our native place some road widening (30 feet

to 80 feet) is doing Muncipal Corporation in this

purpose some muncipal employees and corporator

forcingly did gift deed with my father (this is

ancestrol property with out having kids signs)

they showed he is only owner of the property .

In the month of August 2018 some local shop

vendor given 3 laks to my father ,he was taken

Original TDR and affidivit with my father (my

father does not read or write ,he can sign only

local Telugu language) ,once we know and asked to

owner he refuse to give Original TDR ,we verified

recently in Muncipality then we know that ,that

shop vendor sold alreday to builders that list in

Muncipal office . (in the Month of Nov 2018)

For This my questions

1)Even though shop vendor (he is having

authorization affidivit ) sold ,can we apply now

cancel that transaction.(Locall Lawyer advising

Comprimise with shop onwer ,we are not intersted

shop owner and local corporator will not do


2)This is ancetral property with out having our

(My brother and Mine ) signs Muncipal corporation

employees and local people Gift dead with my

father can we fight on this (if this happens

Muncipality will cancel TDR ,then are they give

all our family names) .

Plz give me suggestion we want fight eventhough

he sold to builders ,Utilization will takes 3

months (Muncipal approavals to give permission )
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 30 January 2019
Execution of "Gift Deed" in favour of Municipality......?
Given Rs. 3 lakh to sign the deed.....?
Unbelievable facts of the case.
However, if there is some truth in your story, consult and engage a local prudent lawyer.
P. Venu (Expert) 02 February 2019
The facts, as stated, lacks clarity. How is that the property is ancestral?

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