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Administrative powers/cat judgement

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 20 February 2025 This query is : Resolved 
Respected all, i am retired from a central govt organisation. Though iam eligible for PENSION, without listening to me and orders available forcibly superannuated on CPF base. While i was in service, upon instructions of chief executive, instructed chief administrative officer(CAO) of my unit to prepare file notings on actual grounds basis. Accordingly upon thorough verification of my records issued a letter by CAO recommending me for grant of pension. Later this letter has gone through accounts wing and finally has the approval of my general manager. I filed a case in CAT,HYDERABAD and won the case in my favour. CAT judgement is based on recommendations of CAO and directed the deptt to complete the process within 60 days from the date of CAT ORDER (04.06.24). Meanwhile i complained to DPPW, and accordingly even DPPW issued its recommendations in my favour. Even after 8 months about to complete from the judgement, no reply from my deptt. Finally i filed contempt petition which is in live. I am a senior citizen of 63 years age. My question is why this much of delay from deptt. Pl guide
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 20 February 2025
I think the delay is due to administrative reasons. You can ask the department through RTI what action was taken on the judgment orders.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 20 February 2025
Instead of filing contempt petition you could have filed an execution petition to execute the CAT order.
Now you have already started the process you may have to wait
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 22 February 2025
In your case the facts as shown by you are asunder :-

1. There was injustice to you.
2. You won CAT case against the injustice.
3. The CAT order is not implemented.
4. You have filed CP.

You seem to be on right path (atleastappearing from thefacts own by ou).

Your query is on the reasons of delay.

This forum cannot be spokes person of CAT or your department
Dr. J C Vashista (Expert) 24 February 2025
Did you seek answer of your question viz; "My question is why this much of delay from deptt." from your lawyer who is well aware about facts and circumstances of the case, an able, intelligent and competent person who was specifically engaged by you ?
P. Venu (Expert) 17 March 2025
In addition to Contempt Petition, you have option to file an Implementation Petition as well.

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